:doh: after the debacle of last years katrina and hurricane season on the horizon.
fuck it, i hope the shit hole falls in the sea.
:doh: after the debacle of last years katrina and hurricane season on the horizon.
fuck it, i hope the shit hole falls in the sea.
someone needs to take the edge off their jones.
nagin is an asswipe.
:go them:
Unfuckingbelievable!! The world is full of stupid people. I guess i shouldn’t be surprised though. Hell we have plenty of morons right here in W PA. How else to explain why douchebags like Mike Veon and Bill DeWeese won their primaries??
:rolleyes: Yeah, this damage could have been eliminated :rolleyes:
:rolleyes: you don’t even know what you’re talking about
Bush 2nd term… nuff said
fucking werd