new orleans

is coming together… good article on it, i guess?

of coarse i posted this to envoke the bush haters… :kekegay:

how many ‘thousands’ were killed again??? i was quoting 700+ last week for 5 states and it turns out:

“While search teams are continuing their grim work, notably in Plaquemines Parish, south of the city, the death toll of 579 for Louisiana is far lower than the thousands predicted a week ago.”


also bush is ‘helping’ by providing,

“Presumably, such areas will qualify to be part of the Gulf Opportunity Zone, one of President Bush’s new proposals to give incentives to rebuild the region. The plan calls for special tax breaks for businesses that set up there, and vouchers to families to help them resettle their children in public or private schools. The president has also proposed an “urban homestead” plan, in which surplus federal property would be turned over to displaced families who pledged to build or renovate homes on the land.”

which is cool…

new orleans is an awesome town… i hope it comes back to how it was as fast as possible… i do think that the blowhard asshole of a mayor sucks… i don’t know why he bitched about a slow responce time and now that everything getting cleaned he wants to rush people back into the town just to get fucked up again… when rescue workers are still wearing hazmat suits and poeple that want to search for belongings have to suit up, i don’t think it’s quite ready for bourbon st parties… but what do i know?


I agree, the mayor of New Orleans is a first rate asshole. He’s the one who told everyone to go to the Conventional Center, then left them there with no help, supplies, or assistance, and didn’t bother mentioning to the State and Federal authorities that he had instructed people to congregate there.

Curious if Rita hit there. They are projecting its path to posisbly hit there again. IF and I’m saying IF it does its going to be a fiasco due to all the help already down there and they have the potential to be victims this time around.

i may be there in less than a week

what are you going down there for? Salvage cars?


Apparently hurricanes are following a certain amount of people… First they were in N.O. and it tracked them there, then they moved to Houston and its going after them there…

Maybe we should move all of those people to Mexico so that the hurricanes attack there.

I really feel for the Gulf though, christ can these people get a break?

something you need to understand is that while i hate bush, i hope that he succeeds when it comes to people’s lives. I’ll take plenty of joy in his fuck-ups when they’re not at the expense of innocent people.

idt its too soon :stick:

Long before the SuperDome,
Where the Saints of football play,
Lived a city that the damned called home.
Hear their hellish roundelay…

New Orleans!
Home of pirates, drunks, and whores!
New Orleans!
Tacky, overpriced, souvenir stores!
If you want to go to hell, you should make that trip,
To the Sodom and Gomorrah on the Mississipp’!

New Orleans!
Stinking, rotten, vomiting, vile!
New Orleans!
Putrid, brackish, maggoty, foul!
New Orleans!
Crummy, lousy, rancid, and rank!

New Orleans

right, because just because I hate Bush means that I want innocent people to die. :ugh:

And what the fuck are you doing reading the Christian Science Monitor? :ugh:


i hadn’t even noticed…

jeeeezus… christian science monitor?!?

google searchs always brings up CSM about any kind of religous talk:boink

Thats the least Bush can do after pissing Allah off so bad to make Katrina.