Nation Of Idiots: Episode 1

Girl, 10, Arrested for Using Knife to Cut Food at School

Heard about this on O&A. Quite sad.

What about the kindergartener who was expelled for a bomb threat?

uhm… wow

It’s stupid, but who the fuck sends their 10 year old to school with a steak knife?

If I recall properly, didn’t a student get expelled for accidentally bringing a steak knife to school?

When, He told the teachers that he grabbed the lunch accidentally, and alerted them instantly of the problem.

According to the report, a couple of teachers took the utensil and called authorities, who arrested the girl and took her to the county’s juvenile assessment center.

“I don’t want people to feel like we’re arresting 10-year-olds, handcuffing them, and hauling them off in a back of a patrol car and taking them to jail,” Pogue told MyFOXOrlando. “That’s not the circumstance.”

i love it when cops contradict themselves.
Welcome to america, where illegal aliens are issued drivers liscences and 10 year olds get arrested for cutting steak with a steak knife.

Maybe the 10 (read TEN) year old took the knife themselves. A kid may not realize its such a BIG DEAL… probably because kids seem to have more common sense then the adults involved in this situation

did they really need to arrest her and charge her with a felony? Prolly could have suspended her for a few days at the most

I completely agree, its really ridiculous that a student can’t bring a knife to school to eat food. Whats next eating with spoons only?

Verbal admonishment at the most

I don’t want people to feel like we’re arresting 10-year-olds, handcuffing them, and hauling them off in a back of a patrol car and taking them to jail," “That’s not the circumstance.”

The Orlando JAC serves as a single point of entry for the majority of arrested youth in Orange County

ok, so you probably didnt handcuff her, but you definantly took her to a detention facility for possession of a weapon

fucking morons. would it be that hard to call the girls mother and say “hey we realize she didnt bring it to school as a weapon, but that doesnt mean we can allow real knives to be brought in for lunch time”

How many 10 year olds pack their own lunch?

Bottom line, kid should have got in trouble at SCHOOL, and that been the end of it. Clearly there was no malice or intent based on the comments from the kids who saw the knife used for eating.

If the parent did pack it for their kid maybe send the cops over there to give them a little wake up call as to what you should and shouldn’t send your kid to school with. No charges, but a little scare of “wow, I should get my head out of my ass”.

At least 1 that is capable or has done it before. I don’t know how long you expect kids to suck on mommas tit but but they are more then capable of handling quite a few things at 10 and younger.

Regardless of that a mistake was made. That is obvious. Who made it is not terribly important. Even if the parents did it so what. They didnt pack a stick of dynamite. It was a food utensil they use every day and think nothing more of it.

This nation of paranoid, delusional, hypocrites are what really caused the problem.

Dude, it’s a knife. Kids shouldn’t be bringing knives to school, period. I don’t care if it’s a steak knife or a pocket knife, it still doesn’t belong with a kid in school.

Did this get taken way too far? Certainly. But don’t act like there is nothing wrong with a kid bringing a steak knife to school.

Yeah, 10 year olds and steak knives are a great combination:

When you give a kid a steak knife at home you supervise them. When you send them to school with one hidden in their lunch bag, and no one at the school even knows they have it, the kid could just as easily use it as a weapon as a food utensil.

If kids were brought up with any respect it wouldn’t be an issue, but there are way too many completely useless assholes raising kids with no moral values what so ever.

truth. This is just stupid.

i would argue a fork could do almost equal damage as a knife. ban those too?

:word: couldnt have said it better… that will also lead to the downfall of this country as well…its headed there as it is

ot…i remember when i was in second grade i got suspended for a couple days for trying to make a “pepper bomb” after seeing 3 ninjas… all it was was differant ground peppers in a coffee filter…dont ask :bloated:

That’s a 4and 1/2 inch steak knife. You guys honestly think there’s no problem with kids bring those to school?

Like I’ve been saying, this was taken way too far. But this arguement that there is nothing wrong with kids bring knives to school as long as they’re for lunch displays far more idiocy than the school’s over reaction. And the arguement that a fork is just as bad as a 4.5" knife is probably one of the dumbest things I’ve seen on Nyspeed, and that’s saying something.

Lots of 'em. Shit when I was 10, I packed my lunch for myself and both siblings. :shrug:

If they were smart, some teacher would have cut up the girl’s steak for her, then just confistcate the knife for the parents to pick up later (after a conference with the teacher). Being hauled off to a criminal detntion center is overkill :picard:

A 4.5" steak knife is about the same size as your average pair of large scissors. Your average table knife is what, 3-4 inches?

So what about those nice sharpened pencils given to the kids? Those are just as big, have a smaller amount of surface area creating more penetrating force. If its normal steak knife, it should have an obvious serrated edge, not a very sharp point.