so i recently quit my job as a dish boy because i was not being paid on time, and checks would bounce, isnt anybody looking for a 17 year old? im not sure of how many small buisness managers are on here but i figured i would give it a shot, im desperite for a job because as i am 17 i have no money, i now have no car ( sold for extra cash). well now that i need to drive back and forth to school i need a car and a way to pay for insurence, so if anybody is aware of anyone hiring then please let me know, thnk you, jonah
u have any pizzeria experience? we can probably use u at bella, pay is good, company is great to work for.
high volume, very busy
delta sonic is your friend
yeah i used to help my friend nick deck pizzas at pesci’s so i got a little experience, where is this bella pizza at?
sorry to thread jack, but is bella’s looking for park time help? say mornings? iv worked for 2 pizza places… about 4 or 5 years of exp.
this is the last place where thread jacking is acceptable, i really need a job, honestly if i dont get a job soon im going ton go crazy, i see all these nice cars and it kills me that i dont even have money to put a beater on the road.
I just started as lube shop advisor a month ago and when I had to cross train for wash I made 17 bucks in tips in about 2 hours. but otherwise its 5 something per hour. lolz. They are very flexible with scheduling too.
i use to make good money at delta…well good money for delta
drying is where its atttttt
Yea no kidding. There are NO girls in lube and basically none in detail. ugh.
I have no game so it doesnt matter anyways, I guess
No tits, no dollas.
Are you looking for something in the food industry?
that would work, but anyrthing that i can get would be nice, im not too picky, and the way our economy is i would go for anything i can get, id like to steer away from the food industry but if you have something i would greatly appreciate it