need a really, really big tractor tire....

i need to find a place or someone who has a huge tractor tire laying around. i am entering the pgh strongman this spring, and 1 event is a tire flip. i would like to practice by flipping it every week or so. i just want to go where the tire(s) are, and practice flipping them there. it only takes about 30 minutes or so…

talk to 2toneishot he does strongman

comq take all the fucking shit collecting dust


Ill call a couple contacts Monday. I think I have a place for you, and close to home.


We got one, my buddy uses it for strongman practice as well.

We have it filled with water. too.

yeah, i know, you should see my back workout…

where is it??

If you want one to keep, I can get you a backhoe tire. But it is abot 50 miles south west of the city, so it wouldn’t pay to drive there , just to work out.

dude thats gross. we dont need to know about the meat in your backside


So Im waiting for you to come check out that tire…

I keep my phone by my side at all times, whenever your ready let me know!

pm sent about training equip.

They have tires at the Allegheny Gym right off 19 in Warrendale, on Warrendale Rd., about half a mile off of 19. About a mile from the I-79 North Warrendale exit.

im looking to get rid of my equipment. let me know if your interested.

i would buy thr equipment but i don’t have a yard big enough to use all of it. i was looking for a place to let me use it…the gym in wartrendale is where im gonna go

Well to do a standing press iwth the log you only need 2 feet of area, and for the farmers walk handles you only need 50 feet worth of driveway or front road space. its up to you… ive seen alot of people enter that show that have never picked up the equipment and it really showed. im not trying to bust balls or say that your not gonna be ready, just dont want you to walk in unprepared is all. good luck in teh show though its a fun sport to be getting into. its really grown in teh past few years.

wait a second, i thought you had a tire…how much just for the farmers walk handles…

70 For the farmers handles and 75 for the log if you want it…its a 10" log…everything was made by allen at pittbull equipment. lemme know im located in wexford but i could meet you maybe.

tire coming monday…if you still want it.