ha awesome…i heard about this pic already but hadn’t seen it until just now…nice, what an idiot…
what an ass
you think he could have paid someone 10 bucks to drive it to his house.
You gotta figure too… this is Texas… doesnt everyone have a pick up?
fastest tree in TX
are those cheater slicks? lol what a tool
Not if hes “that stuck up prick in the lotus”, that guys doesn’t have many friends.
hahaha, thats great
haha. i can’t wait to be that guy.
my biggest qualm is the way the stump end is tied down. I am pretty sure that is not a load bearing structure.
What’s wrong with putting a tree on your roof? He has padding :shrug:
Those aren’t cheater slicks, they look like Yokohamas
^ word.
if any of you elise-less suckas can afford a new paint job then im sure mr tree could also.
funny pic man.
You stole my post you bastard!
Anyways, to whoever was bitching about the tires, they are stock Advans.
You wouldnt want to see an elise under your xmas tree?
You’d think he could afford a POS to drive around for that type of stuff.
Maybe that is his piece of shit :gotme: