Need a tree? Drive an Elise? Answer:

i would use a c5 or c6 if i had them and the $$

Oh you think outside the boxietroxie.

you know i was going to buy an elise … but for what they were marking them up it wasn’t worth it IMHO

this will be newman when he gets an elise

Lets see if the sti wing can support a tree trunk.!!

yea, but with newman, it wont be a tree, its gonna be a jetski held on with chains

I can agree with that statement. I’d rather wait for the marked up Exige myself :slight_smile:

yeah because let’s face it the elise is underpowered for what it is

It’s also sub-2000 lbs. A very important factor to consider. I mean shit, the car does 60 in about 4.7 sceonds, 1/4 in the low 13’s, it’s got killer brakes, and is prob. the best handling production car you can buy. For 40 grand, I think it’s a hell of a deal. $.02. Agree to disagree.

Nope, those are the stock tires… Yokohama Advan A048.

what the hell

I’m not sure if I should scream, cry or laugh…

I think you are missing the two key words:

“marked up”

You should be nodding your head in agreement with spdfreak now :wink:

I wasn’t bitching, I was asking. Thanks for clarifying though. (I only mentioned it because, well, there’s IS a lot of contact area…I don’t normally see that on factory tires, but then again…I don’t see a lot of Loti, either.)

Newman wouldnt use the padding though…

yeah marked up … cheapest i could find it new was 53k and i called across the country