Do you still have to act like a prick to own one? I bet finalgts magically appears later on in this thread
Whoa. Sweet. DIY bodywork and rock it!
I would rock it as it.
That elise is cool, but not 60k cool.
probably only shows 52hp on the STM Dyno.
Are you kidding me? a base 05 elise with those miles is about 30-35K, and this one has $100,000 in aftermarket parts. Totally worth it. It’s got almost 50% more power and weighs 15% less than a stock elise.
I didn’t say it wasn’t a good deal, it’s just not that cool. To eaches own I guess. For being so rare/having so many mods why is it listed at only 60k then?
There are probably not many cars that could touch it for 60 grand…
No, that elise is the balls. I love it
Well assuming it’s worth as much as you say its worth, you would have to guess it’s not going to sell for 60k, and if I was spending 60k on a toy car, it wouldn’t be that. Got to love having choices though.
that elise is for sale on for the same price if I remember correctly
You can probably get it for 55
an asking price is just an asking price
too bad I don’t make enough money to drive one though
So why so cheep then? That’s a pretty big loss if it has that much invested into it.
it is a rough market right now man
not many people out there looking to buy 20k sports cars, let alone 60-70k ones
That is beside that fact that it is a racecar and has obviously been beaten on.
Because everyone knows that $1 in mods = at most $0.40 in car value once the mod is installed.
Yeah, and lotus guys are soooo scared of extensively modded cars.
IDK why.
Even at that price, 100K in mods = 40K + 30k current market value = 70k