(Need Advice) Roommate breaking lease.

Listen, why don’t you go back over to the little kids table and keep eating paste while the big boys and girls discuss matters of importance?

This is not hard to understand. Read carefully.

The lease in a binding contract between two lessee’s (hereby referred to as the one entity that the landlord really gives a fuck about, which is the money owed to them per month that is outlined in the lease agreement) and the landlord. The landlord does not give a shit how they get their money as long as the rent payment is in their hand every month on time.

If BlazinSi pays the entire rent himself, that in turn makes the landlord happy and there is no problem. But, if he doesn’t pay it at all, it will negatively affect both his credit as well as his absentee roommate.

It is an all or nothing principle here. Obviously the roommate doesn’t give a shit about his own credit, so BlazinSi is stuck paying the entire amount because if he only pays his half, it will be seen as non-payment and both his and the roommate’s credit will be negatively affected.

Understand now? This is not a hard concept to understand.

Now, walk back over to the folded up card table and sit down with your Spaghetti-O’s while we discuss matters of importance in this thread and try to help this guy out.


I understand how it works when everyone pays, or nobody pays, but I appreciate the great explanation just the same.

Now, if he got into the correct lease, he would be responsible for paying his share, and his dumbass roommate would responsible for his share. That way if Blazin pays, and the roommate doesn’t, it won’t hurt Blazin’s credit.

He should check the lease. The logical reason for a landlord to have 2 signers, is because he/she has 2 people to pursue in the event of non-payment.

The logical reason for a signer to want another signer, is to divide the fiscal responsbility, so that he/she isn’t stuck paying someone else’s rent.

Bottom line…what does the lease say?

The rent is $1095 a month and doesn’t state how we come up with the money, just as long as the amount is paid in full by the 5th of each month. Looking back I wish we would have signed an agreement stating we both split the rent/bills 50/50, but I think that was a basic understanding from the beggining.

$1095?!?! Thats like over 200 bucks more than my mortgage each month!

For all the reasons stated, it’s in the Landlord’s best interest to have you both on the same lease. The only way to split payment/responsibilities would be to write two seperate leases. Then if one of the two breaks the lease, the other is able to live there for 1/2 rent. Also in order to clear the house, both tenants would need to be evicted. If you only evicted one, then again the other lives there for 1/2 rent. (which even if the rent is high, it’s not fair to the owner)
when I write leases, everyone living in house signs the lease. It is more people you can take to court, and go after if there is a problem, plus makes more people liable.

I’ve got properties that rent from 475 – all the way up to 3,000… 1095 can be reasonable depending on the house and the neighborhood. Some Condos in Cranberry rent for 975 - 1 bedroom 1 bath 1 car garage…

Ive had this conversation with many younger people…When I moved here for school I rented a 4 bedroom house with 3 other people .within 6 months I was left all alone with a $750/mo lease and utility bills out my wazzoo I took it on the chin and got through the year working 2 jobs and cutting classes to part time but it did suck…I sold everything left behined by my roomates to pay some of the bills…simply put the only good roomate is a dead roomate

I had something like this happen to me with a college roommate many years ago. The guy bailed essentially because he missed him mummy and couldn’t get used to the idea that we, his roommates, wouldn’t make his bed and wash his clothes for him. What a pussy that guy was…

Anyway, we eneded up in court and the bastard alleged (without any real evidence) that “illegal activities” were occurring in the apartment and this was a legitmate, legal reason to break the lease. I lost in court and had to eat his portion of the rent. Asshole.

Be careful of this. One person smokes something in the apartment and you are handed your butt…

We’ve never done anything illegal at the house except drink beer from time to time and he’s 20 y/o. I don’t know that would hold up.

I’ll see him tomorrow, so hopefully I can resolve this out of court.

GOOD LUCK! hope it works out

talk to the landlord and see if you can break the lease, if that’s an option…

sonny said it all, since his name is on the lease so is his credit…you are unfortunately stuck with the bill for the time being, a lawyer is a good idea, otherwise if you don’t pay it’ll be turned to collections on both of you