Need answer to key question ASAP!

After a bit of a struggle to get a key that actually works to lock the doors, I needed to pop out a lock. I got the door trim off, and saw that the key was behind the glass, and hard to get to, instead I popped out the trunk lock, pretty easy…

I just need to know ASAP if the trunk key on an s14 is the same as the door keys, because I don’t want to spend money getting a locksmith to make a key that won’t work… Thanks!

From the factory all the locks on the S14 should be the same.

That’s all I needed. Thanks!

Took it to the locksmith today, he said that although the door key works for the trunk lock, he probably can’t make a complete key out of the trunk lock, it’s gonna most likely be missing some of the tumblers… Now the fun of trying to get out the door locks begins…

remember nissan used valet keys for most of their vehicles, so some locks are more complete than the others

Ya can someone tell me exactly how I get out the lock cylinder on an s14 without taking out the window? The window is right in the way even when fully up, keeping you from getting at the lock cylinder? Anyone???