need for speed

new need for speed most wanted baddest game i ever freakin played actually sound like real cars u get damage and everything!!!

Honestly I played it tonight. Rented it. It sucked big time compared to underground 2. The cars maybe better. But sounds, handling ect sucked. Really Really disappointed

waste of money get the car running

i think they sound great compared to underground underground sounds one sound on all cars a wierd like girl scream and i didnt buy it bj my unkle bought it for me

and the handleing i thought was like more realistic rear end and shit breaks from out of under you i liked it but thats my opinion ne ways ne one close to were i live got a controler i can have and old one as long as it will work mine broke on me fuckin junk wireless

I thought about getting it …

Not sure what to do …
IS it honestly good? … I know the comerical that riced out mustang sounded like a civic

from my point of view i have the mustang and it sounds good to me and all the important actually sound like imports not a domestic like on the underground games rent it b4 u buy it thats what i did i rented it then my uncle bought it for me and i like it

I think you need to save your money and purchase some time in an english class.

ENG101, CCAC, roughly $270

who cares its called a mistake in typing and to lazy to go back and fix it if ur gonna complain keep it to ur self instead of making a fuss about it i mean come on its not like you guys are perfect and dont make a mistake and get to lazy to go back and retype it its not like im in english class here

No but punctuations are used every day in communicating. It makes it much easier to read. Try it, it doesn’t take any additional time.

geez give the guy a break hes just trying to tell us about a game its not like hes discussing some important topic that needs great punctuation you know what i mean after all none of us are perfect so anyway thats what i think about it id like to try out that game never seem to have time though hardly even played GT4 maybe over christmas have to get my engine out

:smiley: j/k

fuk all u fagets

omg gramer is fer pusseys!

thank you people but ne ways i deffinetly say you should go out and atleast once the game is AWESOME

anyone else play this yet??? i liked underground 2 and so did the girlfriend so i was thinking of buying it…it worth it???

i jsut about beat underground 2 while renting it for 5 days and most of the time just messed around with my cars…im hoping this one is more difficult to beat

I’ve played this game over the last couple nights. I like it. If you already have Underground 2, don’t bother wasting the time/money on this one. Running from the cops was fun at first but lost it’s appeal rather quick. I just do the races now and the simple “run from cop” options they have. I also enjoyed drifting, which up to Blacklist #4 guy, is absent :frowning:

i read a review that said there is no drifting…im gonna miss that one cuz it was an easy way to win…drifting was the easiest thing in any racing game ever
…no i dont own nfsu2

whats the difference between this one and the black version???

ehh i have it, im going to trade it in, two player options suck, can be a cop if u wanted to, and the normal game just blows, underground 2 was better!