Need Frame Rail Patching/Boxing

Looking to get my driver side frame rail patched/boxed, on all three sides at the usual spot (from the 45 degree bend back). There’s a fist-sized hole on the bottom and inner side of the rail, along with a crack on the outer side.

PM me to work out a price and what not.

PM Draggone, from what I’ve heard, he does A++ work.

you could try corspe too. we just welded up his like a month ago.

I would like some fixing welding done on my 240 please. I know that both front rails are cracked and the back not sure yet. please help

Pm Corpse, he should give you the best deal.

ballpark $?

Were’s corpes located I need them done as well,but I live in the falls and don’t want to take it all the way to Toronto

Corspe is in Etobicoke your fuck’d

Im on the same boat as well but passenger side frame rail and bottom at the 45 degree bend also wheel wells

Just call me.