So, I have one of those g/f’s which are impossible to shop for during the holidays/birthdays. So she hasent stopped talking about buying a hedgehog after christmas. I called all over and found only two places which had them and both sold out. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or places I could call or look up.

there ya go

Annnnnd… oh dear… wow.

Should be able to get you one tomorrow.U are serious right?


haha im very serious, and no she doesn’t want sonic. She plans on naming it Shuffles

Hillarious Jay!!! :lol:

That last pic is almost cute.D

There is a breeder in Batavia. I’ll find their info.

I’m a hedgehog.

That’s the name of our company basketball team :slight_smile:

Did you know that they are illegal to sell in NY?That being said you have PM:snky: .

Well, mainly because they’re not very adaptable critters.

They are legal in NYS. Just not NYC.

And here is that breeder.

EDIT for legal issues:
Arizona, California, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Pennsylvania and Vermont. They are also illegal in Washington D.C. and in New York City (all boroughs) but not New York State.

I didnt even know u could buy a hedge hog, and she want one as a pet

you should get her a sheep their fun.

shit not to mention you could pull some decent coin off that. :slight_smile: haha

Aren’t hedgehogs dangerous?

NO! they are small little rodents. Don’t rub it on your cock and your ok

the chick in your avatar? shit man, go get that hedgehog :tup: