Need help budy crushed his quarter panel!

Everything fixed, 1500.
Pm me.

with $1500, your friend could have bought a winter beater. that being said, tell him to get over fenders.

Or maybe he really did just loose control? You don’t know the entire situation, nor do I…who gives a shit.

Fuck, you guys sound like whining babies.

lol No matter how his story is said, theres one fact. Whatever he was doing, he did it wrong and fucked up his car because he was careless. I’ve never met a single person who crashed their car and blamed themselves. It’s always “Something radical” happened, which is almost always some crazy fantasy they make up. If it wasn’t his fault, he’d insurance that bitch and pay the deductible and it’d be over with.

Can you find the made up part? I made it easy.

Stupid Threads == Stupid Replies.

The OP knew what needed to be done, he doesn’t have to go into detail to tell us his friends life story. He could have just asked for a reputable body shop. Sweet, simple, to the point and no flames.

The OP isn’t even the owner of the car nor the driver…
Meaning…you or I don’t know what actually happened.

I’m aware, which is why it’s pretty ridiculous. Who the hell buys a 240sx as their FIRST car… and drives it in the winter. Only reason I’m cutting the actual driver up, is because hes a moron. Our cars fish tail in the rain making a left hand turn at a light, let alone the damn snow. With Zero experience behind the wheel… I wonder how well he counter-steered that bitch lmao. First snow fall = Crashed.

Thats what we know.

That’s pretty narrow-minded actually. You don’t know the situation behind buying his car either.
I bought my first 240 in a snow storm never owning a rear wheel drive car before, only fwd…I did fine, people get unlucky.

Yeah… but your first car wasn’t a RWD car. You drove a FWD car before. He said this was his very first car, and couldn’t afford a winter beater. Like c’mon. I would have had more faith if he had a FWD car atleast first and had some driving experience.

I guess I just find it irresponsible and stupid. What if he hit someone and hurt someone other than himself…? We’d be thinking the exact same way.

Anyone with some common sense knows that our cars aren’t for the winter, yet he chose to BUY and DRIVE it in the winter…

The OP said he bought it a few weeks ago… so we’ll say 2-4 weeks driving experience total + RWD + Manual + Snow = Exactly what I think would happen, happened. That’s all I’m sayin.

all i see from this Datenshi guy is blah blah blah i want to argue with people over something that doesn’t really concern my useless opinion’s.

yeah maybe the guy should have bought a winter beater before a s chassis
yeah maybe he should have maybe been more careful
yeah maybe he maybe irresponsible or stupid.

but dose this really mean we should give the guy a hard time?.
NO it doesn’t, shit happens man. its winter and no matter how prepared some one may think they are or have the proper stuff. if a crash is going to happen its going to happen.

good luck guys with the repairs.


Who am I giving a hard time to? The owner of the vehicle isn’t even on SON.

1+1 = 2, and if he did the math he would still have a mint 240. Oh well, money well wasted.

Ugh, you don’t get it lol

ok this is what you do…

Either slidehammer or ballpeen that shit back to decent striaght. Then buy a rivet gun and a drill and BINGS overfenders for hatch.

you need to at least straighten out the quarter panel and not just slap a overfender or else your wheel will bottom out/rub on bumps and baby Pedobears will infest themselves in there.

Shit happens. Good luck with future 240

some people never do…

Mackenzie (datenshi) come out to Wild Wings tonight !

He cant. he’s at my place. Mint 240 + Snow = bad idea. GL to OP’s friend with repairs and inspection :stuck_out_tongue:

son=zilvia jr.?

lol looks like somebody was trying to drift :stuck_out_tongue:

i wish we had a third of that traffic :slight_smile: