Need Help choosing a Car

Well, I am looking to purchase my first car, 240sx of course,the thing is i dont know which 1 to get so many technical aspects of it.

I dont want anything like 93 or lower…was thinking of a 95…used,which model / engine i duno yet as i am new to 240’sx and cars stuff in general

i dont want it to cost too much…engine isnt too much of a problema s ic an do a engine swap down at sunrise motors for a 240sx aorund $2750. with aorudn 30000-50000 km on it.

What shoudl i focus on…i like the more modern lookign 240’s but their a bit expensive…sumthing under 7000 please ty.

i really really really suggest doing some research.

get used to the lingo, the short forms, the nicknames. your gonna get ripped off or buy wood with rust issues if u dont get to know the cars.

read the threads, dont just make one asking questions that have already been answered in other threads.

good luck, and welcome.

Do A Lot of Research!

Go to the How-to & stuff like that.

wow im not even going to get into this.

do some reasearch.


Yes read through the FAQ section … espically the stickies.