need help choosing PDA phone

my contract with nextel is about to expire and im looking into going with a PDA phone. i need something that works well with web browsing and has a bit of room for file storage. it can be with any service provider, im not stuck on sprint/nextel. any suggestions are appreciated…im not well versed in the cell phone market.

PPC-6700 > *

They also have a Verizon version of it.

I love my phone :slight_smile:


remember, a pda phone is a phone second, PDA first.

id prolly suggest the ppc-6700 for functionality though

PPC6700 here and I love it

every one has em at least the cool kids do…

I’m happy with my XV 6700

Yay verizon

I’m gonna agree with everyone on this also…

i’ve messed around with this phone many times and it’s deff amazing.

I am very very tempted to get this…but i just got a new phone…plus i’d have to spend full price since i can’t get any discounts :frowning: