if I was to get a PDA phone...

I’m a PDA phone hater for the most part. but if i was to get one, and if i stay with my current sprint employee plan setup instead of going verizon, this is prolly the one i would buy.


"This compact, feature-packed PDA phone runs Windows Mobile 5 and sports a slide-out text keyboard, and triple radios: CDMA EV-DO, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. Other key features include a 1.3 megapixel camera with video capture, miniSD card slot, touch screen, speakerphone, and the full suite of Windows Mobile software.



although in my 5 minute search i cant find a place to buy it or how much it will set you back.

my sprint phone just broke (4th one to do so in the few months i have had sprint) so now it’s time for a new one unfortunately. i figure if i have to pay i might as well try to find a compact pda phone. that looks really sweet. they’re $500+ on ebay though




I’ll pass the model # along though, I know someone looking as well.

if that huge antenna means it actually has signal unlike my sanyo phone then more power to it. just wish it wasn’t like $600

damnit, i didnt even think of that.

wtf? no signal on a sanyo? what phone?

Hmmm I might hold off on the Treo 650 now, you think you will be able to get these?

yep, but i dont know how long im gonna be at my current store. i got a better job at verizon that i start prolly early december.

hence my dilema as to what to do. if i can keep my cheap ass employee plan it might be worth it, but i have to see what verizon is gonna give me in terms of a plan.

i was just about to say that… i spoke to several sprint reps and they insist im talking about the treo 700 :ham:

if someone gets a prince holla back

lol jon, its on that link

$599 before rebate


my question is how/where can I buy it? considering it’s a “Sprint Business” phone, I dont see it available to me :furious:

I have someone looking to buy a PDAPhone this coming week.

i believe im on a business plan…maybe we can pull some snky

my sanyo 7400 and 8200 both had crappy signal

i think im on a business plan as well


I’ll catch up with You in the next couple of days; once she decides. It’s either the 6700 -or- the Treo 650. I’m voting for this-a-one.


I’ve been running a Sanyo 8300 for ~3 months now, before that a Sanyo 8100 for 2 years, not one signal problem.

ahh i didnt even click it cus about a week ago the price wasent up there… all it said was call for avaiablity :ham2: :stuck_out_tongue:

BTW i dont understand the logic of sprint not wanting to give me another rebate… i WILL SIGN A NEW CONTRACT NOW GIVE ME 150 off nikuaaaaaa

they lose money like that. they make their money back on selling the phones so cheap over the course of 2 years. well, really they prolly make the money back a lot quicker, but thats what the bean counters say.

if this phone is avaiabe to us peeps not ona business plan i would consider it

I just called the business dept. they told me i can buy the phone ~$400. yea, $150 off without resigning a contract. i made sure i could do it without resigning. but wow, this phone for $400 is a deal.

i would have done that. but instead sprint replaced my sanyo 8200 (with the same model, must have had some left). i lost all of my downloads, texts, phone numbers though :frowning: the sprint guy actually told me not to bother with the phone numbers, cuz if it was important they’d call me. i said “yeah that works fine… until YOU need something”

also the employees were talking about a phone that just got FCC approval and will be coming out soon. they said it looks just like the RAZR… i’m not sure if they are talking about the RAZRberry or not (aka motorola Q) but something new could be coming soon