Need help cuz I cant get to work tomorrow

Motor- KA24E (looking at the engine from the front)

Ok there is a small blue connector that is on the left side of the injectors, on the intake manifold, which is Im guessing is broken off (the connector) and it has a connection wire type thing, with plier type ends to grip onto metal. (sorry this is so confusing) Anyway one of the ends is attached to the blue connector and the other end was connected to something but I can not remember cuz I stupidly unattached it yesturday and forgot to put it back on, I have tried numerous places and cant figure out where it goes. When it is disconnected my engine sounds like it is running retarded (timing retarded), as well the temp gage is flying all over the place. The blue connector has 1 wire coming out of it which bundles in with all the wires that go across the front of the engine (valve cover area). Again sorry this is so damn confusing, feel free to ask specific questions, but does anyone know where this wire would attach to? The wire is not meant to be there, its replacing something, I dont know what, but anyway… I cant get to work cuz its running like a bag of ass. Thanks for any help.


you need a picture or something because that description is … :scratch:

yah I know… I didnt’ think anyone was getting what I was saying…

anyways I fixed it so you can delete this thread. thanks

well at least tell us how, cause u got me wonderin what was up… just to kno

intake air temp?

The temp gage clip/connector was broken so I hooked that back up but it was still running like crap, turns out one of the spark plug wires had touched the manifold and split it. I didnt’ even think to look at that cuz i thought it was the temp connector, so its all good now.