Need Help Finding A Custom Shop To...

…finish my car off.

Incase you all didn’t know, I was the one who posted this thread:

After a pain-staking 2 months, I finally got my car back from 427 Collision today, and I must say their quality of work is top-knotch. I can’t blame them for taking 2 months to fix my car considering they were waiting on back-ordered parts from Japan.

Reason for this post is that the only thing left to do to my car is to smoke the headlight housing/corner lamp (as seen in the pictures in the link above). They slapped on the OEM headlight/corner lamp, but it obviously doesn’t match the passenger-side one which was not affected in the accident. State Farm agreed to pay for the out-sourcing since 427 Collision refused to even try baking the lamp.

I’ve never seen any other kouki in Toronto with smoked housings, but I’m sure some of you have or may know of someone that has it done. Can any of you please refer me to a reputable place that can do it and HAS done it before?

Incase you’re wondering, the reason why I can’t take it to the person who did it in the first place, is because I had it done at Garage Five when I still lived in Vancouver haha

Any help would be appreciated…Thx all!!!


you could always ship it out to them if they agree to it

its really not all that difficult, I separated a set of silvia corners a couple years back,

the ovens lowest setting was 150, for about 4-7 minutes
made the lense adhesive gooey enough that I could pull the rear 1/2 away

then tint

heat the 1/2’s up again and press together while warm
you could tape them with masking tape to hold them together while they cool

Thx guys…

Any more help would be great! I don’t want to trust myself haha and statefarm needs a shop in order to pay for it.

What did the value of damage end up being?

Just undedr $6,000 plus tax, plus $2,500 for my rental

Holy Shit, thats amazing I would never have guessed that the damage cost would be that much. I would have thought 4 grand max, and with the rental car your lucky they didn’t write the car off.

Post pictures of the complete product.

i thought we were supposed to get shit over night from japan? wtf Harry i said i needed it tonight.