Need help setting up a stag party for turbociv

Im trying to help turbociv set up his stag and we need ideas for places to throw it and places for GOOD looking strippers.

its going to be on august 20th so if you have any hook ups let us know asap

I planned my buddy’s this summer and it went off without a hitch. It was in Rochester, but nonetheless I’ll tell ya what I did in case it can be good for inspiration:

He basically gave me a list of who he want invited, so that took care of that. If you have the option, invite as many guys as possible as it will be cheaper and a better time for everyone.

He just bought a house so we started the day there with all the guys and all the fathers that knew my buddy. Everybody was just hanging out from like noon on drinking beers. We were thinking about having a BBQ but then I found out I could have the Dinosaur cater for like $8/person delivered with plates/silverwear. Afterwards we had a big hold-em tourney.

Then we kicked out the fathers since they weren’t up for debauchery and hopped a limo bus to the Seneca Niagara for my buddy to throw some money at the black jack table. Then on to downer’s for the rest of the night where we sent him off for lap dances with the less attractive girls while we enjoyed the hot ones. (That’s the whole point of a bachelor party right? Get him drunk so he has a good time doing things you can rip on him later for.) He’s a bit of a redneck and not totally comfortable with black people, so we made sure to find a girl that looked half Harlem half Nigeria to take good care of him. He won’t tell us if it’s true that you don’t go back…

If you really want to treat your buddy to one last hurrah, you can take him next door to Seductions while everyone else enjoys the girls at downers. They’ll do things there much less, uh, discretely. :suckoff: I didn’t take my buddy there though. He’s all for good nekkid fun but not that sorta fun.

There’s lotsa other shit you could do, but that was a good time for all. Catering’s surprisingly cheap. Just make sure you get enough guys to split the cost of the limo. They will inevitably charge you for cleanup regardless of whether or not anyone pukes in bags or on the floor so that can get expensive really quick.

no limit entertainment has some HOTT strippers, they did my buddys stag a few months ago

ill make a call

If you’re slooking for a place big tree inn by the ralph has great prices for food and beer. I have planned a few stags and that place was one of the best deals and they were great to deal with. and do not get frisky kittens no matter what they are the suck! No limit is pretty good i have seen fatties with them though.

we have a few things figured out, but if anyone has stuff to auction off that could be a plus

tickets will be on sale for all pretty soon!!!

^^^ word…when one of our pilots had his stag, they had 9 strippers from no limit… :tup: x45743745846834

no limit=no touching and always have the huge black dude with them to make sure of it, i’ll ask my roomate where his buddy got the strippers from.

fun for all trust me

I NEVER touch strippers. no touch policy for me.

:word: ewwwww. lol ill pass. I hope i dont get a dirty vagina shoved in my face. That just might ruin my night

soo far i think i have a place picked out. I think i might have the entertainment figured out also, but im gunna have to confirm that.

Im not too pleased that i had to do all this myself with no help from my best man. It almost didnt happen but i stepped in and figured it out all in 1

Where do you get the donkeys from?



on a serious note

they all seem like but-her-faces. oh and the no touchy thing… they touch you, and if you wear glasses bring a disposable pair

haha i’m friends with that girl, her names sara but she’s not a stripper nemore as far as I know.

ohh no lol I know that girl too

I dont want gonaherpisiphilitus. So stripers are look but dont touch with me.

I don’t mean fucking them, but it’s always fun to grab alittle.

I dont touch em at all lol.