Need help with a vacuum line! S14 SR20DET.

Hello! I need some urgent help with this vacuum line. I have searched it everywhere, and have an entire FSM printed out. I am pretty sure that the SR depicted in the FSM is not the one I have, since it has EGR stuff on it. This is the diagram in the FSM…
This is the one I am going by…
So here’s the deal. I have a FMIC, and an HKS SSQV. I found where every line hooks up to, except the one circled! There is no nipple on my OEM intake hose for this line. I figure it’s because I am using an S13 intake hose, not S14 (I could not make the S14 hose fit, since the motor is in my S13 chassis. I forget why, I think it’s the way it’s routed stock) Now… I know that this line is hooked up to somewhere that has both vacuum and boost. Is there any other place I can hook it up to? I do NOT want to do it all haggered. Not T-ing off anything important, such as the FPR or anything like that. Thanks in advance for any help! :slight_smile:

Anyone? Need this by tomorrow :frowning:

If you didn’t know already, the hose you have circled is the reference signal for the wastegate. It needs to be connected to somewhere that sees boost only, as engine vacuum can damage the diagphram in the actuator. You can tap the compressor housing, weld some brake line to the hotpipe or use a quick tap that goes through a coupler. If you’re in a pinch, you can temporarily connect the reference to the intake manifold or disconnect the wastegate arm from the flapper valve.


Awesome! Thanks for the help buddy. So, I see that I have one nipple under my throttle body that is capped off. I figure since it’s before the throttle plate, it will only see boost, and not vacuum. I wonder if I can use that, for now.

Would that be ok?