Need help with linux

Igot linux 6.5 mandrake on my one computer.I loaded it with out the windows save opt. now how can i get my windows files from my other computer to work on it … i want to use the linux to build my website.
or should i just reload it back to windows!!!

haha… damn dude… at the point you’re at, best bet is to stick with windows… i use linux to HOST a website… but not really to make it… i don’t see the advantage,… if you just want to play with it, makes sense…

i’d go with redhat anyway… or suse if you want to get real deal into multimedia creation…

but yeah… that’s a tough one… linux isn’t easy.

that was the plan after i figure out how this all works was to host off it
the only good copy of windows i have is 98se i cant find my xp disk

stick with windows

i got allllll the hook-ups


as in o/s ?


If you are going to talk about pyriting software or sharing copyrighted things, please do it via email or pm…

not to worry… i know

and no one said i was pyrating <- or however you spell it

you should host a website of a pirated copy of windoze. :rofl:

what does pyriting mean?

means Arrrrrg gimme all your gold mayteeee!!

:treasure chest: