Linux question

I have some free space on my HD here at work and want to try out linux. I went to, but there are like 20 different versions, which one/ones are descent for a n00b and have descent driver support? i just want to load it and play with it for a while, I don’t want to write new drivers and spend hours on an install.


Those are the three main distributions.

are they basically the same?

I saw one of your screenshots which had linux, which one are you using?

use RedHat the installer is easy: Fedora is now their free version:

^ agreed.

i run redhat ES and it’s almost as easy as a windows install… not too much to it for a beginning linux user!

thanks uber nerds :bigthumb:

I just downloaded the new Suse to run on one of my machines, not sure if you want the iso

i have Knoppix which is a bootable cd OS… no need to install if you are just going to play aorund.

I am downloading the 4 Fedora iso’s right now, but thanks.

I want to run throug hthe install to see how easy it is to use. I seem to be the only one at my work willing to try new things, so I want to try this out and let my boss know if it is any good or not.

I had to fight for 6 months last year to move everyone from win95 to xp and 2k, the mentality here is, if it ain’t broke don’t even think avout an upgrade. We still use Corel Wordperfect instead of Office, but I am fighting for Office, because everyone else in the world uses it and we have tons of compatibiltiy issues with vendors.

wow, win 95 with corel… :rofl:

yeah, redhat is great for a network… linux isn’t the easiest to pick up, but it’s a great OS… i run it on my firewalls, webservers and mailshield. :slight_smile:

I had the same reaction when they hired me here. A few computers we had when I got here 4 years ago didn’t have hard drives, but had a boot floppy with network support for novell. they were DTK 25mhz pcs with a 5 1/4 floppy drive. And we had them until we upgraded everyone last year to win2k and xp.


wow… i feel bad for you, actually having to deal with it… ug