Need help with oil pressure and water temp gauges

Hey I read Gonad’s write up on his autometer oil pressure gauge installation and had a question about that.
Do we need to keep the stock sensor in place or can it be removed completely?
What kind of problems would come about that?
Also when looking to install a water temp gauge is it possible to just use the same location that the stock gauge reads from or by disableing it will that mess with the ecu?
Oh and sorry both gauges are mechanical.
If anyone knows where I would be able to find this info that would be appreciated also. Thanks.

The stock oil pressure sender is just used to detect abnormal oil pressure
(too low or too high I think as well) and is just used to power the light on
your gauge cluster. You can omit it if you feel comfortable relying on
your new oil pressure gauge.

I really should have written a formal article on water temp gauge
installation but I haven’t gotten around to it but here it is.

You are better off getting a piece like I have and puttig int in your rad
hose. You can buy them premade such as the piece below:

Cool. Thanks for the info. This will make things a whole lot easier now.