If anyone is free tomorrow… there help would be greatly appreciated at the Vintage Grand Prix help promoting the Pinks Project. We will be down there from 8am to 6pm and most are running on very little sleep. outgoing people are extremely needed to help tomorrow.

please call me at 412 303 5346 if you can come and help! thanks


pretty please help us out
we are still working, we have people sleeping on cardboard boxes in driveway, we have a great group of people here that really push and support the whole pinks project. you help would be greatly appreciated

if by tomorrow you mean… today/saturday… i can not do it… but if by tomorrow you mean sunday… i am in. i can help out no problem. it was posted at 440 am so i cant really figure it out.

i work 7am-7pm today. but off tomorrow and its suppose to be perfect out tomorrow.

He means today (Saturday).

If I didn’t have to shoot a wedding I’d help out. Sorry guys, but good luck with getting people.

i’ll be at the pvgp. maybe with a car. i’ll help out.

I’m feeling guilty, especially since Jeff asked me last night if I could make it. How can anyone tell him no? I can rearrange some things that were scheduled, what time slot do you need people?

Leaving now!

i could have helped if i checked sooner… now i find out i have to go to a reunion

we dont have a king reunion today,do we?:kekegay:


i have to meet my possible family in-laws :scared:

if adam ever gets his ass home we’ll come out

crack that whip woman

had some things to take care of today, if anything goes on tomarrow let me know

gather some women up and have a wet t shirt contest. 4 bux a person

If you do need help sunday let me know I’ll show up

^^ No more sunday… jeff is finally resting

Voyeur action…