Need Job

I need a job Immediatly. If you konw of any please let me know. I go to school 6-9 mon-thurs. All other times are available.

Wal-Mart. Always hiring and you can leave your availability to whatever you want. A job is a job, that simple. If you need one right away go apply online.

honestly i’d try a local bank. They seem to always be able to use tellers, starts at like 11-12 an hr.

Glenmont carwash . start at 10hr…they said there looking for some detailers…

damn there is alot of job threads on these forums :open_mouth:

the bank sounds cool tho !

yea but most banks want experiance…

Silver where you going to school? sounds like my schedule at new horizons

the job market is going to start getting rough. People are going to be panicing soon. I know I have job security where i am but I am also fearful that since we are a family operation that is semi small we could go under if things get bad enough

6 dollars an hour to be my personal love slave?

Start on monday?

so they’ll make about $0.15 a night? :haha

