Need legal advice from my car accident....

Well as many of you know I got into a bad accident with the mr2… Got the police report back from it 20 dollars later… Looked at the report got all the other drivers information. I was not given it at the scene of the accident because she had a suspended license when she hit me.

So I call the insurance company its called first alliance insurance. Some Small insurance company in jacksonville florida that gives car insurance to people who cannot afford insurance / have really bad credit and can not go anywhere else to recieve car insurance. So I call them and give my claim to the operator and she says someone will call me back by monday. They called me back on Wed I gave him my entire story. The story I gave to them was I looked both ways left then right… twice… then I began to pull out got half way across the intersection and thats where I seen her car… she ended up hitting me so hard in a 35mph zone that it knocked me into a 360… I told the guy I have photos and one wittness + the police report. Also in the police report she was sighted for speeding and for having a suspended license. Now he askes me did the police rule anyone at fault? Now I tell him in the state of pa Police are not allowed to rule whos at fault… I meen it even says in the police report that there was 80ft of skid marks!!! Theres more than that. Im going to measure it tomorrow.

Now he puts me on hold for 30 seconds and says we are not going to do anything… You were in her lane when you got hit you are at fault… Now I ask the guy if he spoke with the lady/owner of the vehicle that wrecked into me… he says no… I asked if he looked at the police report he says no…

At this point I know the only way I will get the insurance company to pay me for the damages done to my car is to hire a attorney and go from there… Im just really stuck at this point … Im open for suggestions if anyone knows of a good atornney or suggestions…

wow thats really fucked up dude

Did you call your insurance about it? They should be handling it all, they will sue the other insurance company for the money if they won’t pay up. Make a report thru YOUR insurance company, give them all the information, fax over police report, email pictures etc, and let them handle it dude. You’ll have to pay deductable.

ok heres the problem with that I do not have colosion insurance… my insurance company pretty much told me I have to deal with her insurance company.

Awwwwwww Dammmmmmmmmmmmn dude that sucks. Get a lawyer involved for sure then…I can’t recommend a good one tho, no experience in this state LOL.

wow… be prepared to not have a car for a while. cause i bet this is going to take FOREVER

not having collision is a pretty bad thing when you are trying to get compensation for being in a collision :rofl: … i think that’s the point of it!

you are a person and they are a business… plus they are over state lines… so be prepared for a complicated legal battle… i think that you will need to file suit against the lady for the accident and against her insurance company for compensation if the accident is ruled her fault… but i’m not sure.

you need to talk to an attorney.

I thought your dad was a judge? I imagine he would probably be able to point you in the right direction

Tell me at least that you have the full tort option on your insurance. Limited tort means that you cannot sue unless you have serious injuries while full tort means that you can sue for just about any reason. Any good attorney will get you at least a couple thousand under a full tort lawsuit or the threat of one.

At this point, it sounds like the other company has the full intention of screwing you over. You need to get an attorney ASAP. Where is the wrecked car at right now? You need to be careful because if it is at a place that is charging storage feees you are going to be looking at a huge bill.

SIDE NOTE-WTF is up with people NOT having collision insurance on their “good” cars? I just cannot comprehend how people can buy a cool car, spend the money to fix it up and then not spend a bit more money to protect their investment. I honestly feel that if you cannot afford the proper insurance then you probably should not have so much money tied up in a vehicle. Just my two cents worth. Honestly I hope that things work out for you.

Yeah, hopefully you have full-tort, that will make a world of a difference.

I hate to say I told you so, but insurance companies are gay about that stuff. Regardless of how fast she was going/whatever she was doing, you pulled into her lane of traffic so they’re going to rule it your fault. It doesn’t help that you don’t have collision on your car. You might be SOL, and that’s why accidents are the worst.

my brother got hit in his old 78 nova like this. A person went into the oncoming lane and my brother pulled out in front of him from a parking lot. It was deemed my brothers fault because he pulled into traffic. It sucks but this is how insurance companies make their money, they take every month and don’t pay when something happens.

having proper insurance is key. I have full coverage on every daily driver regardelss of if it’s financed or not. I just have comp on my truck because it’s only worth $8.03, and if it gets hit, I could care less and would just scrap it anyway.

tort options only apply to suing for pain and suffering … id ont think they have anything to do with damages to the automobile… could be wrong though…

I think full-tort applies to more than just pain and suffering, but I am no legal expert.

I think in this instance the tort option insint going to matter unless hes trying to sue for bodily injury, I belive Property Damage is always open for suit, regardless of your tort option.

I disagree, I looked up your info and it says your truck is now worth 7.93 cents :dunno:

But good point on the insurance, My thoughts on the situation is contact that insurance company again, ask them for thier contact information regarding Lawsuites, Like who your Lawyer Should contanct, and the address that Legal Papers should be sent to, Along with at who’s Attention. Explain to them that you are in the process of obtaining an attorney, and you just want to make sure you have all the information for them.
Also Ask where the agency is located in which the Women obtained her insurance, somtime they have local offices in which they purchase the insurance and the MAIN office is located out of state.
Contact the agency, and ask if they have had trouble, or heard of having trouble recieving payment from a claim.

In the process of asking all these questions I think they will know you dont plan to drop it, and that you fully belive that you were not at fault.

Good luck man, auto accident claims (without death or serious injury) are a HUGE pain in the ass, but you could just continue using MY tax DOLLARS to fund your eating / sleeping/ modification habits, :dunno:

enemployed MO-FO

Simply put, call Edgar Snyder.

If you are trying to recover from a small out of state insurance company you need an attorney that deals with this kind of crap a lot and has a reputation for doing so. There is not a lot of money in this kind of accident for an attorney (the real money is in pain and suffering recovery) so a small firm or solo guy is not really going to have much incentive to hassle the lady’s carrier.
Joe Schmo calling the insurance company trying to talk hard is not going to have nearly the effect as a call from a firm notorious for litigation. Insurance company’s are not going to pay out quickly just because their client is apparently at fault. Way too many accidents similar to yours are the fault of someone pulling out without looking, so they are going to require good evidence or potentially a court order finding the lady at fault. At minimum they should be able to tell you rough odds on recovery as well as how much you could expect to recover (as well as what % their fee is).

I have Erie, they are hands down the best. Everytime i ask another company for a quote, they tell me that they cant beat Erie. Progressive, All state, and state farm, cant get me the rates that i get from Erie. My agent gets me all the discounts, she handles everything, i never had to talk to other insurance companies, or go get quotes on collision work. I may buy cheap on alot of stuff, but for my insurance, i will pay every penny they charge.

I totaled a car (T/A), and they wrote me a check for 3k over bluebook, no questions asked.

I wouldnt go cheap on insurance.

$500 a year for full tort options on the Syclone, $15k replacement value, limited use, $500 deductable.

the 2002 WS6 was a little more at $900 a year, but again, full tort, every insurance option, $20k replacement value, limited use. $500 deductable.

:edit: I’d say your screwed. and you better hope that her insurance company isnt a good company, otherwise, they might come at you with some kinda lawsuit.

I talked to Erie when shopping around a few years ago and Nationwide had them beat by a good amount. I chose Nationwide and have had very good luck with them. My truck is $5 every 6 months. :slight_smile:

If you are going to get hit by anyone, make sure they have State Farm. They paid for a complere back half of my altima when I was hit 2 years ago. I took it to the dealer and they wrote up just about everything that could be replaced and painted, and State Farm just cut a check to them. I was told State Farm is the best company to have, but I really hate their agents and the amount they charge.

[QUOTE=Hycomp;464032]Simply put, call Edgar Snyder.


hes a bodily injury lawyer…no one was hurt…hes useless here.

He’s got a lot of attorney’s that work for, and with him that constantly deal with insurance companys though. If his firm doesn’t do it, they would most likely refer him to someone who would. As I mentioned, the money is in recovery for injuries but I’d think they have someone that mops up the small time stuff like this.