need nerd help... V. old laptop

I have an old Compaq Presario 1692 that i use for tuning my car and the screen doesn’t work anymore. After taking the screen off i noticed the ribbon on the right side between the base and the screen is broken( picture below) Where can i get a replacement for that? Im not looking for a new computer b/c the ONLY reason i have this is for my car.

please help

hmmm, I’d investigate a little further. Get the plastic casement off of the screen itself. I’m not sure how its attached on the screen side.

Get the whole ribbon cable out of there and start hunting on the internet. May be able to find a busted up one on Ebay for cheap.

thats the problem… im very computer stupid


thats the problem… im very computer stupid


If you’re sol later in the week, you can drop it off at my work on Friday, and I might be able to take a look at it for ya.

Send me a PM if needed.
