need opinions on Turbo mani

Im gonna build a new manifold but I need opinions on it, I’m not concerned with difficulty or time i just want to have the best option possible.

What are pro’s/con’s between a full ram and a mini ram
Are there gonna be huge gains with a full ram as opposed to the mini?

Just gimme your thoughts on it


If your not concerned with dificulty or time, then full ram the bitch. 4-2-1 is probably the best though.

top mount!!! its been shown that the longer runner lengths aid in producing more hp. plus it leaves alot of space for the downpipe. it might not work so well with your internal gate though (space and clocking) check out what peakboost did on their version 1 mani. it an interesting version of a ramhorn. its supposed to work alittle better then the traditional ram. :dunno: i would make something along those lines unless you go with a bigger turbo. then i would think about a top mount and huge downpipe. what kinda numbers are you gonna look to make?

I would go with a mini ram if you are worried about compact design. I really like mini ram designs for some reason. check out love-fabs Mini Me mani

is there a web site for love fab?

check this site out …

diffrent manifold designs make turbo spool diffrent.

while a log mani will spool it the fastest the ramhorn and the topmount will make more power but you will have to deal with a bit more lag.

that turbo you got now should spool quickly either way. i know your not looking to make huge numbers so i would say go with a ramhorn that hybrid is selling or try jdms1eeper on honda-tech. he does good custom work and is pretty cheap.

although you are internally gated like toby said a topmount may be a bit of a pain. thats up to you. my best idea would be to check out hybrids ones they are selling and get one of them. they look to be good and the price is decent as well.

ps. i hope we can get your car running by this weekend. i wanna see this thing run for once :hsdance:

just keep the black momba fuck it

black momba ftw

cast iron

Does anyone have any links of “back to back” runs showing X manifold outperforms Y manifold? I have a hard time thinking there would be a large difference.

im with toby the top mount is difficult but very efficent

very efficent for a high horsepower motor pushing over 25lbs

I’ve been going through the same questions on building a manifold and have come across this information from a seasoned manifold builder:

If you are going to go through the troubl eof making a custom manfold, make the runners equal length and with a pulsed firing sequence.

Equal length is easy enought o figure out, but setting it up for a pulsed firing sequence could be a bit tricky. What that means is at the collector, the firing order should make a cylic pattern at the collector.

If your firing order is 1-3-4-2, then a pulsed firing sequence design would have the four runners coming together something like this:

Here is another picture

depending onthe design of the collector adn whether the turbo has split entry or not that’s not all that important.

here’s the full race mani for a dsm:

and here’s the one that i am building

im leaning towards this one here from full race, minus the dual wastegate