Need radiator repair

I have sprung a leak in the radiator in my truck . Its slow and near the top so Id like to repair it because its in real good shape other than the leak . Anyone do or know someone who repairs radiators ? I know I can pull 1 for $50 from mnm but if I can get this 1 repaired for near the same price Id like to keep it . Thanks everyone.

If you’re looking to do this cheap I’d just try the radiator repair epoxy they sell at the auto parts stores. Clean it up good by scrubbing it with some rubbing alcohol and give the repair a shot.

Like this stuff:

If that doesn’t work take the money you would have spent on getting it welded and put it towards getting a new or reman one. IMHO radiators to me aren’t worth using a junk yard part since you never know what you’re getting. Good chance you’ll go through all the work of removing/replacing/refilling it only to have it leak again right off. The exception being if it’s some rare vehicle where a new radiator is real expensive.

crack an egg in it, it may work for a couple of weeks

otherwise dont be penny wise dollar foolish, spend the 150 get a new one

JB Weld has worked everytime for me. Even with a turbo smashing into it held up fine. There were no less than 5 patches in my radiator. None of them leaked.

There is a radiator repair shop in Niagara Falls on Hyde Park I had straighten and repair an atv radiator. They also pressure test and dip them or something afterwords.

there’s always abbott radiator

amherst radiator is my source for rads and gas tanks.

+1 for dave at amherst radiator

Don’s welding on transit rd in Depew does alot of radiator repairs as well.