Need room mate in three bedroom house - Alden

I am living in my fiances grandfathers old house. Her mother owns it and when I get married in two years it will be our first place, for now need a room mate. There is no water bill, i.e. well water, electric, cable, roadrunner wireless internet, rent, gas and propane all for $400 a month. The house is three bedroom like the title shows, dining room, basement w washer and dryer, kitchen, living room, plenty of closet/attic space (once emptied which should be this weekend) and one bathroom. The house is on 44.5 acres of land with a pond and woods. Most importantly there are 2 garages, space is not really an issue that cant be worked out. Pm me or give me a call at 725-2392

OMG soooo interested…

well if you want give me a call tomarrow during the day at some point and we’ll talk
this should give you a good picture nothing has changed

if you have allergies I do have a puppy

ok on the map type 5 cayuga creek road alden ny and click satelite sorry didnt work like i hoped


Goin to look at it over the weekend… Someone check it out, its a great deal with an awesome room-mate (even if that one night he “sleepwalked” naked into my room)

bump for the mornin someone call me on this today


willing to rent just a garage?

no garage rental i have like a bizzilion cars at my house i cant een really store the gmz at the moment. also i have a renter so i no longer need a roomate thank.

WHO?! oh and I wanna come over this friday too and at least check it out.

dont worry bout that christian. yea you can stop by and help paint n stuff lol.