New member to the home crew.

Just closed on my first house last week. I found a nice 1300sf ranch in Alden with 2 acres just 5 min from where I work. It is a solid house that just needs updating on the inside. 3 bedrooms, and a full basement with really nice poured 8’ high foundation walls. An older man lived here alone, and neglected a lot in the past few years. The landscaping, and yard is a mess, but with some time, I will make it nice again.

As some of you know, I pretty much have been running a side business doing home remodeling and construction for the past few years. I have a lot of plans for this house, and look forward to sharing some projects on here. There is a ton of work ahead of me…

First project before moving in is going to be a complete gut and remodel of the bathroom as it has seen better days. The kitchen will probably be a fall project for next year as money will be tight for a while. For now, a good cleaning, and paint will have to do.


Although I thought my house was very clean, I spent the entire first weekend cleaning; it’s worth it to get it done right away before you start moving your crap in.

Hey, welcome aboard. Best purchase you’ll make in a while. :tup:


2 acres :tup:

Congrats :tup:

PM me when you can. We do alot of baths and can give you some tips on new products to ease installation. Might be able to help in other areas too.

Thanks everyone!

Yeah the place is going to need at a minimum new paint in every room, and a few gallons of cleaner.

This will probably be my 200th bathroom remodel, and I am going to try to make it as nice as possible with a very small budget. I am used to spending other people’s money, it sucks when it’s my own.

Congrats :slight_smile:

No garage pics?

Looks as if the house is leaning a little bit to the left (right from street view) have any plans to fix this? Lol


Conrgrats! let the fun begin. It’s kinda like when we buy cars and personalize them, except it can cost a lot more, but you actually get money back for the “mods”


I’ve probably passed by this a few times. My inlaws live in alden.

Nice purchase.

Sweet! Home-ie