well then i guess that were giving out free warranties then…oh well…sucks for the customers…
some dealers do but they are not obligated to do so .all they have to do is get em threw n.y.s.i
and all our cars do that without any problems…
ok , want a cookie …
yea i do…so stop knockin shit you dont know about motherfucker
fight fight fight
Yeah, I used to go all the time and worked for a friend that sold cars.
Wait- you work there yet you still make threads looking for cars and wont buy one from there?
we dont usually stock cars that are stick…and i want one that is…and i want to get financing that will improve my credit…many different factors…and also i might not be working there very much longer…
yup. 8-10k will buy you something real nice. Dont be dumb. Support America. Its time we all took a licking and buy an inferior product in favor of love for country. Oh, sorry, that won’t happen. Self Destruction is inevitable due to the desires for every last meter of personal gain.
Fuck it, Im geeting an import.
this pretty much sums it up. The last thing you should be buying is a BMW. get something cheap reliable. Getting a loan isn’t a bad thing, just make sure you can afford it.
96+ Civic.
You said reliable. Older BMW’s are not cheap to fix.
:lol Big Red with the “Shady” post!!!
Thanks for summing up what everyone else posted in this thread :rofl
no need to be a cock about it. Just giving my opinion. He DID ask for it.
Wanted something really nice, kinda sporty and kinda quick for a DD. People seem to have good luck with their BMW’s / audis…
Was going to bring pete along and have him look a BMW over for me, make sure im nto buying something thats a complete pile
but after talking with my old man more i upped what i was planning on spending a bit…
WIll more than likley be buying a really nice accord as long as the MAH DUKEs is cool with it, as well my dad has no issue co-signing for me… but final say is hers…
and thanks Little red
lia honda has a mint 99 4 door accord 4 cyl 5spd
LX i think…like 70k-ish price is 8995 IIRC
listen , im not your 20 yr old kid on here i have been in the car buisness for longer than you have walked so dont motherfucker me just cause your boss is a credit criminal car salesman dont think his shit aint cobbed cause im sure that if most of the people buyin his shit knew what they were lookin at there would be a diff take on there cars trust me .i do however find it funny that a car jockey thinks he knows whats up
If your boss goes to the auction why cant he look for something for you? When I worked for somebody with a dealer’s license I went to the auction and picked out a Blazer I wanted and had him bid on it for me and he sold it to me for $100 over cost (just to show profit in records).
Resale is shitty on those so you can usually get a nice one cheap. Since 99% of the people that buy them are 60+ theyre usually not beat.
Take a look at what most cop cars and taxi’s are and see how many miles are on them- these cars do run quite a long time. Theyve made these things forever too- the main part of them dates back to '92 with just a face lift in '98 and other minor changes.
My parents had a Grand Marquis as a rental car a few years ago when my mom’s car got hit and I drove it and it was like a living room on wheels. Really comfortable to drive and you almost forget how big it is. 5 adults fit in it comfortably too.
yea, whats even funnier is that if you “live” at those autions you would no theres no such things as “red lanes” at the auction, theres 8 or 10 lanes at manheim IIRC and theres different dealers assigned to each lane each week…theres no lanes for nice cars or not as nice cars…
quoted for my above post…