Need some advice V. Sandals All Inclusive Resorts


More details. I was thinking a Europe tour but I dont know if I want to spend the 10k to make that happen. How much did it cost you. How did you get around Europe? where did you stay, what did you do


The trip cost me very little. Plane ticket to France was only $900. My uncle lives in Toulouse which borders Spain. Their home is in the mountains. Gorgeous!!! I traveled by train. Tickets are cheap and the railway is the best way to go. Train tix are inexpensive. Roughly $50-100 USD. Germany and Ireland, my cousins live there. I stayed with them. My folks have two homes in Poland so that where I stay when I am there. Also have a car so I can get around easily. Any city you go to, transportation tix are cheap. The entire trip cost me approx $2.5k and I had approx 2k in spending cash. Dinners for fam and friends…boozing…clubs…etc. A bus only costs a few bucks. Where is your gf’s family located? What city in Poland?