Need some help with my DSLR

So I have a Canon XTi with an 18-55 lens.

Sometimes, when I go to take a picture, it won’t take it if the camera is in manual mode (the mode I shoot/play with the most).

Why is this? If I aim the camera higher, it seems to then take it. Also, I noticed if it’s close to like a window (like if I’m taking a picture out my bedroom window), it’ll do the same thing.

It’ll focus, but won’t take the picture.

Is my camera broken or am I just doing something wrong?

You sure its in focus? When in AF mode if the lens can’t focus because either the subject is too close or the camera cant figure out what to focus on (usually in low light) it will not fire.

Yes, its because to your eye it looks perfectly in focus, but to the cameras processor it is not. Not BS, I worked in a photolab for 3+ years.

I agree with the above responses.

Move back a pinch.

However if you are close to something always try to make sure there are TWO colors in the focusing zone. This is really what the camera is looking for when it focuses.

I’m not sure why but I know its true. When I was doing a lot of macro shooting this was a wonderful discovery.

Had similar issue. Nick has a trick. Use the flash to focus then turn it off for the shot… Or MF

I thought it was focused but I guess not lol. It went from blurry to sharp and clear. And yes, it does happen more in low light. But I also noticed it happens when, for example, I was sitting on a plane trying to take pictures of the airport and the planes. I had the camera right up against the window on a super bright day. Wouldn’t do jack.

I’ve tried moving back, forward, zooming out, zooming in. Sometimes zooming out or in helps. Usually though it’s changing the elevation or the pitch of the camera (pointing it up a little more).

Okay, I’ll give this a try. I don’t know how to use MF. I’ll have to look into that, any tips?

Thanks for the help guys. I was starting to think it was my camera but I’m glad it’s just me lol.

Switch the lens to MF (manual focus) and turn the lens at the end to focus your subject. Its not easy to do thru the small view finder… I don’t always get the best shots this way…

Im a noob so Im sure there is better advice from AMD, 1320, and ReDevil

Like AMD said you are most likely too close to the glass in the window and the camera thinks you are trying to focus on the glass which is too close to properly focus. There might be a reflection on the glass that its picking up and this is what its focusing on.

When you have the camera on auto focus (AF) the camera is looking for a contrasting color, this is why on a clear blue sky day if you point the camera up at the blue sky it wont take a picture. If its aimed at a cloud, the white cloud is obviously different from the blue sky and it will take the pic. The same can happen when taking a photo of a plane or vehicle, you may have the camera aimed at a part of the vehicle where there is no contrasting color for it to focus on.

Oh okay.

That makes more sense. I’m on AF for sure.

Thanks guys for the AF/MF explanation. I think I can work with that now and should be a little more successful.

MF is not easy.

Use AF

or (neat trick I learned from a cokehead in Albany) try submerging the camera COMPLETELY underwater and snapping a picture before the internal circuits short out. Non-waterproof DSLR’s take some of the best underwater shots.