Need some restoration recommendations!

I’m really glad you guys are here… all these comments are definitely exciting my interest in the car! I actually ran out to advanced auto last night to grab some PB blaster but unfortunately they were completely out but I was able to grab some elsewhere… I’m thinking I’m probably going to run over tonight and get the crap shot down into the cylinders and soak for the next couple days…

I’m definitely excited to get my hands dirty as I really haven’t done much work other than typical maintenance… (oil change, trans gasket/filter, spark plugs… etc) But I do have a decent amount of knowledge with cars… But I feel from your guys comments that this is a good ‘beginner’ car to jump into.

Airhead - surprisingly, the car has held up pretty decent… the rear quarter panels have suffered the worst (I’m going to have to grab some pictures hopefully this evening if the sun is still out… if not then tomorrow) But basically it was used as a Sunday car to and from church for a while (when my great uncle was ever home because he played for the Yankee’s before they were the “Yankee’s”… [I need to do a bit more research on that])

But basically in '73 it was stored in a garage I believe because he didn’t drive anymore. I never knew him but I think he drove a different car at that point but still hung on to the Galaxie… But I’m not 100% sure on it…

But hopefully this winter I can really reek some havoc and get the car up and running! As of right now I think the brake system needs to completely be redone unless there’s some way of reviving it. I’d obviously do new drum brakes etc but there’s absolutely no pressure in the lines at all… (it was fun getting the car out between houses where there was only 2 inches clearance on each side with just using an e-brake) :slight_smile:

Now when BrockwayMT says filing the points… What points are you talking about?

:lol: you ain’t a mechanic till you’ve done points :rx3:

They are in the distributor. Odds are they are a little nasty if the car has been sitting for a while. The least you need to do it file them with a point file and then reset the gap. If you don’t know what a point file is then go to sears and ask and they won’t know what it is either. It looks like a little nail fail. Usually comes with a set of ignition wrenches.

Anyway, read this, it will help,2021,DIY_13677_2271388,00.html

Ahh that’s pretty much what I figured it was but wanted to make sure I was correct. I think I’m getting a little ahead of myself with all this information being that I need to get the pistons moving first. But I guess it’s a good thing to see whats ahead of me…

I have another question… from what I hear, these cars ran off of leaded fuel. If this is in fact true, how do I go about dealing with this… I’m pretty sure there’s lead additives but is there anyway to alter the engines internals to not need the lead additive? I’ve read a bit and haven’t found too much other than getting hardeners but it didn’t go into detail as to what they are or anything along those lines… Any advice there?

Also… I’ve heard of being able to start the car from the engine bay… I’ve done it on my uncles stingray a while back using alligator clips but was advised by a mechanic in person in where to put them… Now I’m kind of wondering on how to do this because the keys for the Galaxie have been misplaced somewhere here at the house in the past 5 years… I had gotten a quote for $155 for all keys to be made but I figured I’d just hold off and save some money to put towards the restoration end of it being that I wouldn’t be driving it until the engine ran and the brakes were good etc… so there’s no sense in having keys at the moment because I may be able to find them somewhere here in the house between now and when the car would be in drive-able condition. So in my opinion there’s no sense in spending the $155 at this point… ($125 for the ignition key and 30 for the doors/trunk)

you could have hardened valve seats put in for unleaded. I don’t think it’s a big deal. I have ran lots of old stuff on unleaded and nothing has died yet. If you don’t drive it a lot you should be fine. Put some lead substitute additive in every other tank or so if it makes you feel better.

car stealing 101

Jumper from battery to positive side of coil. (hook up last)

Remote starter (jumper with pushbutton switch) from battery side large lug on solenoid to positive small lug (has rubber boot on it).

Once you power the coil do your cranking. If it doesn’t run unhook right away or you will burn the points. If you are just cranking with no intention of starting (like lubing the cylinders) don’t hook up the coil.