Need some sincere advice

^ HAHA that is the cure. However I need to get this all sorted out with her today. I am 95% sure I will be a single man the next time im on here. But we will get some fishing in sometime lol

yah whenever man. Me and some friends are going to be up in LG next weekend (great escape and shit) and I will let you know when Im up there…maybe go to a bar or something.

Just remember, you were happy once before you’ve ever met her, you will be happy once she’s out of the picture as well.

so true. Its hard work to find the perfect one…but that perfect one could be as simple as a old friend from the past, and you dont even know it.

There is no “perfect one” there is only the one that’s fucked up lightly enough for you to not mind dealing with it. :lol

Sounds good to me. Hit me up when your here.

epic spelling bro

:banghead so true fuck me

  • f’in 1.

I’ve also had issues with trust. Man, lots of us have. I’ve been played a fool so many times it ain’t funny…last chick strung me along for 7 months, went to Ukraine for a month (so little to no contact since it’s not like it is here in America with texting, email, etc.) and when she came back…it’s like I never existed. It sucks man.

hey hey 4 hydros… FML lol

ya i never said my shit didnt smell, just admiring your work as well :excited

I would make a necklace out of his teeth, that way the dental records could not identify the charred remains. But that’s just me. I tend to take things pretty seriously.


I ended it this afternoon. Once trust is gone, everything tends to follow. So, anyone want to hit the bars let me know haha

adam im game ,dont go out wit pjb he like fichin for bullhead and trouser trout

I’ll keep that in mind. But those are the guys you want to hang out with, then you look 10x better when girls are looking your way. Haha, anyway let me know whats going on

if shes keeping it a secret, its usually more than what she says it is. Fucking sluts, i think you need to ask yourself is this girl worth the hassle? Life is to short to even deal with that shit, 9 months is very short and can be made up with some other girl that wants to make that commitment to you, not someone who is going behind your back for whatever reason

whoops, i didnt read the wholee thing, sounds like you made a good decision

It’s tough man… Im kinda like you… i give advice and generaly its good advice…

but when it comes to taking your own that youve told other people its very hard… especialy when you feel for someone

late on the input here but; what does she do when she hangs out with him? If you stay with her every night and have something good going don’t fuck it it because she enjoys talking to another guy about things in life. I love my girl but can’t sweat another guy that doesn’t stack up. Be confident and make her understand that hiding shit isn’t going make the relationship last… a mix of both sides for you bro

This case was something different then just hanging out. From what it seemed like at least.