I can givey ou a pair of jeans to destroy, no probs.

Thanks a ton dude, I owe ya big.

I brought ma jeans, just forgot my tranny pants. If you have sizzorz I can cut them really short.

Edit: I didnt bring the engine leveler or any chain, you have anything to attach the engine to the hoist?


Whats wrong Nicole? I shave my legs like you do.


mee too…

what time is this shit going doooown

I actually have a leveler so we’re all good.

With some chains, duh.

I’ll be home and ready to do work around 4, so come whenever.

In typical Shift member fashion, I might not make this.

Dead to me. Now I’m glad I’m not going this weekend.

How does it make you feel if I say I’m not coming over because I need to finish errands for this weekend instead?

cloudy with a chance of resin balls

:rofl pretty much

Mod please delete this member, KTHX

I’ll be there around 6ish? IDK…

I’ll either be there for only about an hour before you arrive, or way later when everyone probaly wants to leave. :lol

I’ll be in Ocean City, MD if you guys need me…I could let you know how sunny and nice it is down there.



Benny sayz I can haz sleepover :tongue

Aww, that’s cute you guys. :slight_smile:

FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU I just got called in to sub in a game at Union Ice rink.

I’ll stop buy on my way home if its not too late and I don’t smell to bad

Steve loves smelly sweaty men, come by anyway.