Looking for help with SR swap

Hey guys, well I pretty much have all the things needed for my swap, minus a few small things. For those of you who don’t know my s14 auto tranny decided to stop working about 3 weeks ago now and i’ve been without a car since. I then pick up the s14 sr and maxed out my student credit line hehe. Well with all that said i’m ready to do the swap since I can’t afford to be without transportation any longer. I thought I had a place to do the swap but it seems that’s not going to happen. I am looking for a place to do my swap and for a few guys to come out and help me get it done. I’m not going to lie, i’m pretty much broke now after all of this, but I won’t mind paying some ppl whatever I can (not a freeloader), plus all the pizza and beer you want of course. I am shooting to start next weekend because I need to drive with my job and my building is threatening to tow my car because its been parked in the visitors parking since it broke down, I will get someone to do the wiring who knows what they are doing, so no worries there. Just need a place and some bodies to get it swapped. I have spoken to a few people from the board about this already and I think I have a couple guys already. So the main thing is a place with the tools needed ect. If needed I can get my hands on a cherry picker and some sockets ect.

So let me know if you feel like helping out, any help is very much appreciated and will not go un-noticed. Thanks!! :bigok:


Dip, boMex and I own an engine hoist.

If you’d like to use it you can pick it up in Richmond Hill. $50 for 3 days or
$100 for a week.

I am too busy to lend a hand, but if you need the hoist we can help you
out (for a nominal charge buahaha)

Thanks Andrew, i’ll keep that in mind, I think I can borrow one so if I can’t i’ll let you know :wink:

Well I have enough ppl who want to lend a hand now which I really appreciate, but have yet landed a place to do it. I live in an apartment and don’t have all the tools ect. Is anyone willing to let me and some people use thier place/tools? Ofcouse I will pay for the use of everything. I just need to get this done this weekend, I’ve been without a car for over 3 weeks now, starting to take its toll :cry: . So if anyone is interested please let me know. Thanks guys I really appreciate it!!


When do you want to get started ?

I’m shooting for Saturday morning. Not sure how many days it will take but i’m gonna try to have things orginized so it goes smoothly.


chris, canadiandrifter240sx, just did this swap including the wiring less than 2 weeks ago himself.

you would be better off paying someone who has actual experience with this very swap rather than having people help you who have not done S14 SR into an S14 before.

he would come to you i believe.

Ya I know what you mean, I have no problem in that, but I don’t have the facilities or tools to do it. So I need to get that first and then have people go there. I did speak with him like last week about the wiring. Thanks.

i’m pretty sure most people here dont have extensive facilities either, they just do it in their driveway or whatever. if you wanted to come to hamilton, i make a spot on my driveway, and i have an engine hoist and all the necessary tools (just pulled my engine last weekend, don’t think you need much more than that). the only thing is that it’s a bit of a drive/tow, 45 minutes. but i’m willing to bet someone around your area would lend out their driveway, perhaps for a small charge.

Thanks for the offer, but hamilton is pretty far, also expensive tow hehe. But I think I found a place with all the tools needed ect. So should be good. I’m going to pull my KA tomorrow to save time on Saturday. I heard its supposed to be beautiful day on Sat so at least I have that going hehe. Thanks to everyone who tryed to help me out, I really appreciate it. I think I have enough ppl to get this done but if anyone wants to stop by, even just for a beer and the convo your more than welcome too. It will be near Dundas&427, on Shorncliff. If anyone is interested let me know and i’ll give the exact address. Someone who knows s14 wiring would be a real asset :wink:

Anyways, thanks again guys!


Ok guys tomorrow is the day, going to start on the swap. I have a couple ppl coming out and thanks to them for lending a hand. If anyone wants to come by and just hang out or whatever you more than welcome. Supposed to be a nice day, did I mention free beer hehe?

It will be in the Dundas&427 area in the West end. Call my cell if you feel like stopping by…416-666-1781.


next step iss the interior ish, wiring, and adding a clutch, in an S14 does the dash need to be re3moved to install a clutch/change the brake pedal?

I know in the S13 I got away with just removing the steering column but I didn’t look at the firewall of the S14?

oh yeah, Marcus, he needs an S14 ECU, not an S13 #80

and I’m glad I showed him his finger tight turbo bolts, nothing ruins a good time like a loose turbo

brake and clutch pedal can go in without removal of dash ive done it

Just the regular: remove the seat, drop/remove steering column?


Yeah thanks man, I’m sure I would have like 2 weeks of boost and then bam hehe.

Yeah I’ve got the wrong ecu, its for S13. Plus I have like 2 different harness, I think one is from s13, the one on the engine is pretty ruff shape, some connector were totally fucked. And there are allot of wires that have no home.

Yeah I think i’m gonna scout out the clutch install and see what I need to remove. I really need to get someone who really knows s14 wiring that can come take a look at this thing.

Thanks again for comin out Darian :slight_smile:

Avery also told me somethign which I should have done first thing. Tomorrow first thing i’m going to do a compression test to make sure this engine is even good. If so many things are going wrong maybe the whole motor is no good. I would hate to find that out once its in the car.

Damn that would really piss me off. :evil:

What you need to do is call me and let me know if you need me or not.

FYI the steering column does not have to be dropped but you do need to remove the ATC which is right in the way of where the clutch peddle goes.

Has anyone here actually swapped S14 sr before? I’m looking for someone who has actually done it. The wiring is not the issue, I have Chris coming today to do it, but the rest of the swap is what i’m worried about. It seems that it is different than s13 and has some different hookups. If anyone who has done it before would like to come by and help us out that would be awsome. I would like the whole swap to be done by the saturday night.

So anyone who knows this swap and is willing to help (will pay if necessary, but my budget has become very thin) please let me know.

Thanks again guys,


I wouldnt be worried about the S14 engine swap itself, cause thats the easy part, its the wiring that is a pain, you have to remove the entire dash to get at the wiring. The engine itself is a straight forward swap, the auto to manual conversion is pretty easy too. You have to have a manual driveshaft though which I assume you have?

The clutch pedal is a couple hours work, drilling the hole is cumbersome but other than that you really shouldnt run into too much trouble.

YES, check the engine’s compression.

I agree, although I haven’t swapped an s14 sr, the actual swap shouldn’t be too complicated…

When do you want people to come over?