had some fun at beanys place…motor is still in as they (sam and benny) had to go eat fishdicks.

heard you guise looked at cp tits the whole night

ya benny will be getting my pressure washer tomorrow for what ever needs

lol yea i know you loved those tits!

benny is not cp.

maybe if they were beanys :rofl

You make me disappoint :Idiots

She had car troubles, Steven.

It’s okay I understand… She missed MANY lolz and really good tacos.


Sorry fellahs. :frowning:

^ What happened to your car?

The battery is old and decided to stop holding a charge.
Scared me, thought it was the alternator at first, but she’s okay now.


Yeah, I actually didn’t want to come because I got called a cunt.

they were just saying C U Next Tuesday is all

so what’s going on benny…you keeping this thing or selling it?

already sold for the most part, brah.

not what I heard…but for realz?

did you get a new car or do you have something in the works? i saw you talking about using brillo’s on your car lol and i had to find out what’s up.