Need some suggestion on my in progress HID retro....

hey i was wonderiing if anyone can help me make some side markers for the hid retrofitting…here is a picture…let me know of nay suggestion…i was thinking of a horitzontal line…or slanted vertical lines.

I like the horizontal ones.

How are you going to aim your headlights with that setup? Can you adjust them from behind?

They are already adjusted for my car lol so I didn’t have to worry about them.

fix ur front bumper :smiley:

i have to finish the headlights first so i can paint that too lolz!

thats a pretty nasty gap between teh headlight and the bumper and no offense but those headlights look a lil nast

Vertical looks more like original Mustang side markers

wtf are u doing to your car ? it looks like a messed.

leave the head lights alone.

what was wrong with the ebay headlights?

they give out a werid light pattern…and output in the mdx projectors are 10x better.

i respect show mods but thats a transformer on crack coming ur way