Oh. This is cool.

Attempted to go back to sealed beams from hids today. Had no problem with one side. The other side… a bundle of fun. So far I have found 7 wires that I have absolutely no idea what they’re for. HA.




That is all.


you’ll figure it out

Ha. I’m not doing shit with it. Leaving it as is. I just think it’s funny.

That sucks.

well i think u have no need for then any ways :slight_smile:

Why is there headlight wiring in the kitchen??

who put hid’s in it?

why do you want sealed beams? those headlights are dangerous they’re so shitty. at lest get some ellips

Does the car still have AC?
The plugs look like they might be for AC fans.

jam put hids in. i’ve been driving around with one headlight for like, 2 months, because the hids and hid wiring sucks balls. haaaa. newman gave me free sealed beams. so i’m just throwing them in so i can drive.

and no ac. that would make sense then. well that eliminates the plugs. still have 7 wires and a whole lot of tape. ahhaa.

Do you not have a windshield washer reservoir? I remember there being one in that area on my E30.

Windshield washer.
And I can’t remember WTF was hacked into there.

didn’t lump high beam plug into this mess because i knew what that was. hahah. now it’d be sweet if i had a low beam one.

and no. no windshield washer reservoir. only pussy’s wash their windshield.


Really? Are you driving this car over the winter?
I couldn’t imagine going a winter without one. I remember running out of fluid at an inopportune time and my windshield got covered to the point I couldn’t see at all since my wipers smeared everything.

Might be windshield washer pump wiring then…

Trying not to. But the reservoir is in my garage so if I have to, I guess I’ll throw it in. Ha.

Still didn’t eliminate all the wires yet. Hahaha. Fun guessing game.

just tie them all in together… it should work, in theory.

just go with what you feel
