need someone w/ a good camera and wednesday off

i want some updated pics of my car… i dont have a good camera, i just spent 2 hours today hand waxing it… also i have no idea where we can get some good shots around here, game for whereever. I’m thinking wednesday around 4? let me know if someone wants to meet up and do this, i’ll throw ya some money even if you want.

email sent

i deleted it cause it went under junk e-mails. then i checked here and saw this post. re-send plz and ty.

I’ll do it after 6… sunset is better for picture taking anyway.

thats romantic. you bring the KY i’ll bring the whip cream

Hey that was my idea :idiots.


swifty…ur starting to worry me…i mean i keep seeing all these super :gay posts…somethin u wanna tell us… :crackup

and his pink hats

yeah i forgot about the pink hat… :crackup

so do you want pictures taken or do you just want to mess around?

i want pics taken, but after tonight i need to go wax my car again. brake dust all over it ftl.

good job swifty :crackup

i may be able to get a hold of a dslr today and seeing as i just cleaned the shit outta my car for the guy who’s coming to look at it on sat, i could use some pics too lol

ok i’m gonna pm you my cell number, i need a haircut so i can stop wearing this pink hat. call me if you want to meet up

sounds good

new fuckin hair cut?

swifty im always down for taking some pictures. all i want in payment is a hand job.

Stop by my work tonight if you can or tomorow night around 8ish and I can take some decent pics of your car on top of the parking garage. Can even insert the S4 for a few.

let me know, i’ll be there at 7ish.

Not now chieft, I’m in the fuckin zone!