Need suggestions - going to appeal zoning...

I am trying to widen my driveway to a double wide driveway in north buffalo, and my street isnt zoned for it, so i am going to the zoning board of appeals today to get a special permit. most of the doubles on my street have a driveway like i am proposing, but i still have to present reasons why i want to do this.

i already have the following reasons:

  1. provide on-street parking relief to the neighborhood (less cars from my house parking the street = more parking for everyone else)
  2. makes my house more accessible to relatives
  3. provide off-street parking for my tenant
  4. provide increased parking relief in the winter

if anyone can think of any other reasons, whether they are complete BS or legitimate, please post them up.


Bring $20’s.

Yeah I dunno. The on-street parking relief sounds pretty solid. Maybe mention increased property value?

i was considering the increased property value point, but i am not 100% sure that it would… i assume it would, but i can’t substantiate that claim. i can substantiate the other four reasons.

Yeah that makes sense.

Increased community beauty because women who pull into your driveway won’t constantly be driving on the grass leaving muddy ruts in the spring?

Play up the plows can get down the street easier with 2-3 less cars parked on the street. I dont know about in the city, but out in the burbs you need approval from your neighbors. Thats the biggie with my town board. Get a letter from your neighbors sayng they would approve.

good stuff :tup: