Need tech halp plz.

No idea if anyone will be able to help or have any idea what’s going on, but for some reason I can’t recieve messages on my damn phone. When I woke up this morning, I thought it was weird that all my text messages/BB messenger conversations were gone, I thought the phone just had a seizure overnight or something. Then I get a phone call asking me why I’m not responding to any text messages. I try to send myself one to test it out, and sure enough I get nothing. What the hell is going on? I know BB’s will shut off your radio when the battery is super low, but obviously that’s not it since I can make/recieve calls, and I can send messages just fine. I even got replies through BBM, then next time I look the conversation is gone again! Anyone else with a BB/Verizon ever experience anything like this? I tried to Google it but the results weren’t much help. I guess if no one knows what’s going on I’ll head to Verizon after work and hopefully my phone has not completely given up on life. :frowning:

/short story length rant

have you tried turning the phone off pulling the battery out, reinstalling it and rebooting? also check your sim card to make sure it’s in there good.

sometimes I won’t receive texts for a while then ill get flooded with them…idk, check to make sure all of your connections are on?

I did try turning off/on - it did nothing for me.
Mine is actually old and ghetto, before the BB’s had sim cards, so no problem there.