need to reboot PC, how do I save email?

I DL’D some crap and it screwed up my desktop. I need to reload vista but I have tons of important emails that I need to keep from windows mail. Anyway to do this without losing all my email?

can I keep my email if I repair my PC from the vista disc?

main problem with the PC is that I will get a blue error screen and the PC will restart itself. if I working on anything at the time, its gone.

Err windows mail sorry…

You should be able to export all your mail

The word you are looking for is “reformat.”

I dunno about windows mail, but in outlook you can export the data file. File->export… Maybe it’s the same with Vista windows mail?

Windows Mail in Vista is Outlook Express

You can also make a quick yahoo email, then forwarded all the emails to it.

yeah reformat. Ill check out the exporting if not I will have to forward to another email account.

If your email server is using IMAP, chances are they are still on the server. If you save everything locally or download locally using POP, you need to look for your files in the folder: C:\Users*USER*\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail