Need to use a garage tonight.

Disconnect the 02 while the gauge is on, does the readout change? Maybe that could tell you if the gauge/controller even sees the o2.

I would call autometer. Dont start the call with I bought the gauge and reused my old 02, becasue they will tell you to hit the road and get a new sensor.

There really isnt any reason something as simple as a wideband gauge wouldnt work… unless something is broken or not the voltage range for the gauge/controller.

The HKS AFK unit has been rated excellent by several high end shops. Hater.

Hello Nick,

Your wideband is electrically going into “lock-up”. Here are a few things that can cause/solve the problem.

If becoming locked up immediately after start, then unplug the gauge from the harness, start the engine, wait a few seconds, then plug the harness back into the gauge. If that solves the issue, then try using a different power source that drops power during the cranking of the starter. It is very important that the gauge does not receive power during cranking.

Relocate the ground for the gauge to the engine directly, and not to be shared with another existing ground circuit. Do not ground to the interior, firewall, or battery.

Try rerouting of the wire harness. Make sure that the harness is not routed with any ignition, or electric motor wiring (such as electric fan, water pump, fuel pump). Try routing the harness outside of the vehicle, all by itself as a test.

Please let me know your findings, or if you are still experiencing a problem.


Auto Meter Products
413 W Elm St.
Sycamore IL 60178

Sounds like a pretty honest fellow.

Thank you.

why the hate on Innovate?

My Wb from them worked perfectly. Install was cake and straightforward. Attached a few wires, nothing to it.

The calibration takes all of 60 seconds. unscrew (or leave it loose while you are “installing” the system) the o2 from the exhaust, press little red button. Follow simple directions, reinstall sensor in exhaust. drive car.

Never had to recalibrate it, I am sure it reads correctly (its a simple device really) and always turned on and worked. no problems at all with it.

Most opinions on things like this are based on spending more money needlessly to get the same end result, and assuming its so much better that all the rest are junk. Its a very simple device, reads voltage from a universal o2 sensor and has circuitry that does the math to convert it to a # on the face of a gauge. Kind of hard to mess that up!

But what do I know, I haven’t spent $1300 on a wideband gauge yet to see the difference nor do I have the need.

The sensor is decent, but the Innovate wideband controllers are stupid buggy. Major issues with sensor calibration and voltage offsets, etc. I use one… because I’m too cheap to buy anything else. I still think it’s pretty stupid that I have to fuck with it to get it to read right.

I double dog dare anyone else to take their favorite wideband with them, ill weld 2 bungs into my car, we can ride around and test them side by side.

I will eat an i told you so when i see it. :slight_smile:

there is a video a few posts up showing exactly that you turd

I think its photoshopped.

Yeah i didnt watch the vid. LOL

:facepalm My wideband is fucked too. wot it stays at 10 and at idle it goes blank. If I tap the gas gently itll be high 17’s and then go blank again… Thing is brand new too.

Never had an issue with an LC1 unless the grounds were wired poorly. The initial “free air” calibration doesn’t need to be outside the pipe either unless you ran the car halfway through the install.

Yep, i didnt pull it out of the pipe when I did my jetta. I installed the shit and then read the instructions prior to firing it up. then was like WTF I have to pull it out?? Nahh air is in there anyways its close enough.

later on I pulled it when i was under it again, recalibrated it and the numbers were the same at idle, under boost, etc when I drove it around, never noticed a thing different.

unless your car is tuned for making you money at a race, or is tuned so close to the brink of destruction… anything above a GlowShift wideband will suffice… I will stick to Innovate or Autometer.

just tryin to help a brotha out…

how did you calibrate it? Sounds like you just threw it in with your exhaust already hot and it semi- calibrated, either that or check your ground , make sure its continuity is good with the engine ground… Free air will read max i think its 22/1. Did you hook up the red led + button? Is it blinking ? Might wanna take it back, clean it off real good and start over.

plus his pipe is probably sooted from initial tuning… you want it clean when doing this. not saying anyone hasnt had any luck with other approaches.

My LC-1 refuses to complete a free-air calibration, it’s been that way since it was new. Not a fan.

Thats awesome…you just gave LC-1 advise on an Autometer wideband. Too bad its not even close to what he has.

Well, they both use the same sensor. Close enough, right!?!?!? :lol

looked like this threads talk was lc-1 sorry bro man. just trying to help… relax

maybe its a seat to controller interface problem?