NEED YOUR OPINION! Audio related

I got myself a JL Audio 500/1, Mono-Block subwoofer Amp and my buddy has been trying everything to trade something for it.

First, he asked to trade his Audiobahn 800watt amp for it…I declined.

He works at BestBuy and is saying I can choose Front/ Rear Speakers & a Deck…for the trade of this amp.

What do you guys think I should do?

Or what should i ask for? lol

I am not familiar with the value of that amp, but if he will give you quality front components, rears and a top line deck, you can’t loose… unless this amp is made of diamonds or something… none the less… if you are not using it, anything you get in return that you use will be of greater value, no?

it’s been a while since i was into audio but bestbuy doesnt sell anything i’d put in my car and tell people about.

that said, for the most part, if you arent into SQL competition a deck is a deck is a deck.

if you dont need the amp then you might as well trade it for stuff you will use because car audio in general has little resale value.

very true.

i have 2 10" MTX road thunder subs…thats what the amp was for but its not hooked up.

this amp was like…the goddess lol…it has so much crap on it that i dont even know where to start

but basically…i removed and sold the speakes in my car…AND DECK…so im audio-less

i gave him a list of what i wanted for rears/fronts and deck…hes gunna see fi he can do it…if so= trade is on

road thunders are pretty much the worst subs on the planet. They used to be cardboard-coned, $29.95 Future Shop specials.

the skills of that JL amp are wasted on anything MTX branded.

you dont need that amp.

Hey Bing, Can you please explan why you think that the JL amp would be a wast on anything branded MTX.

I would be really interested to hear your reasoning behind that statment

haha uh oh.

down benson…


I thought the MTX subs pounded pretty good at Future Shop. But then again I’m no expert.

As bing said, anything sold at stores like best buy or future crap is not going to be any good if you are an audiophile… I am more into the home stuff now and am not up on the car shit… but yeah, even the new Marantz and Harmon Kardon stuff is not up par with Linn, NAD, Mordaunt Short, Rega etc…

because the people who work for MTX are homosexual midget loving ass eaters

I agree that Future Shop does not have the best stull, Hell the carry the lower half pf the MTX line. but it is kind on interesting how the uro champ 2 years running in the 3 sub unlimited class has been running 3 subs that you can walk into future shop and buy any day of the week. Bings comment just bothered me because he was refering to MTX’s products as a hole and I relaly think he is no Idea what the TA amps and 7500 + series subs/ high end components are capaple of.

so what… then they shouldnt call it MTX (their high end stuff) or they shouldnt house the road thunder stuff under the same name.

MTX makes some of the most entry level stuff on the market (road thunder). You literally used to be able to buy road thunder subs for $29.95 for a 10" sub at future shop… and to run them with a JL 500/1 amplifier that literally costs 10 times more than both of those subs combined is not exactly mathing your gear.

its like putting a couple JL 10W0 subs from 2001 in your trunk and running them off a Macintosh amp…

maybe i’ll put an RB26 in my car, build it up with full JUN forged everything and then run one of my chinese tube and fin intercooler kits with it and tune it with an SAFC…

get where i’m going?

if he has those subs he doesnt need that amp, he could walk into a pawn shop and buy the 1987 model of Sparkomatic 15w + 15w amplificationatorsgaything and be just as well off.

match your gear.

please dont bring a macintosh amps into the mix here bing , SON doesnt deserve to have that name appear anywhere on the forum, besides its like comparing apples to oranges, macintosh are a purpose built amp far supirior to anything that 95% of the people here can even comprehend, but yes mtx is the poo, all of it , poo, there the k-fed of the audio world

i’m just using as a basis of comparison.

i got no hate for anyone or anything, not even mtx, i was just saying how he might as well trade the amp for stuff more suitable for his application.

was for the road thunder subs and your amp, that I TOTALLY agree with. that is not what I was contesting. It is just people saying that All MTX is crap that just blows my mind. mose people have no idea about there real equiptment, how many international compititions they win, sub of the year awards, inovative technology awards. I am not saying they make the best and only stuff out there, trust me I am a focal fanatic but People on son are always getting pissed when people make un-educated statements and well what do you know, It is happening agian. Drives me freaking nuts!

So what you guys thing of Xtant than?

Xtant like most brands (PPI, Soundstream etc.) used to be alot better.

but you never can tell anymore because everyone makes decent shit and relly bad shit and they dont differentiate well enough.

W0 = meh
W7 = whoa…

just a single digit difference = $800 difference in price… its ghey.

it wasnt an uneducated statement, if anything it was a blanket-statement that encompassed some part of the prodcut range that doesnt deserve the criticism. singling that out amongst the plethora of other crap being posted is more than slightly rediculous. dont let your feelings for me get in the way of your posting benson, be strong, only you can prevent forest fires.

Hahaha My Feelings for you ???
for once someone confused me.

Na I just take offence becasue it is really awsome stuff.

but again ill agree, the Road Thunder is CRAP.

just you saying this “it wasnt an uneducated statement, if anything it was a blanket-statement that encompassed some part of the prodcut range that doesnt deserve the criticism.” Makes me feel much better,

thank you

so basically all ive gotten is negative feedback for all my stuff

i happen to like the subs, and there not from a retail store like future shop or best buy if thats what your thinking.

i heard the speakers (JBL 6x9’s) and Im happy with them too. Im not asking for something crazy…just a good sound that i can have at a high volume and a nice low bass.

to me…so far it seems to be going good IMO…but thats me.

what would you guys suggest

polk or jbl, end of story

jbl makes good subs for the money. i have a home 10" in a box and it shakes my neighbors house (called the cops 3 times, the fukerz…)

i also have a 10" in a seled box in my s14, but i fried one of the braided wires on the back of the sub (voice coil or something like that).

CAn anyone score me 4" of this voice coil wire?? PLEASE!!! I’m running some crap ass 10" in my box and it sucks!

or anyone have a 10" for sale? I’d rather solder a new voice coil on my JBL tho
