“24 Hours is just too easy. 25 Hours has been done. But, nobody has done it longer… or better… or anywhere near as fun. It’s 25 hours / 25 minutes / 25 seconds. It’s the Longer Longest Day.”
Who: You, the spectator for $25. You, the volunteer for free http://chumpcar.com/volunteer.php . We might need a crew member to get drenched in gas, make food or fuel runs, get burnt by hot brake pads, and we can pay you with charded hotdogs and hamburgers
What: Watching a crap can race (ChumpCar is a 24 Hours of LeMons rip-off, more racing, less funny), in heavy traffic (90+ cars), for hours on end.
When: Oct. 7th practice, and some beers at night. Oct. 8th green flag @ 10:00 a.m., hour safety break at 5 p.m., another green flag at 6 p.m., and the checkered flag drops Oct. 9th @ 12:25:25 p.m.
Where: 3 hours away in Ohio: http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Nelson+Ledges+Race+Course,+Ohio+305,+Garrettsville,+OH&hl=en&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=53.432436,79.013672&vpsrc=0&t=m&z=12
Why: Because this is the closest, and best amateur road race this year. Should be mildly entertaining to watch us blow up one engine, and have the other car split in two.