Neopolatin Mastiff

He’s dominant and strong. They also have a shih tzu and the two usually get along, most of the time… He really likes attention.

If it comes down to it, I’ll take him and put him at my parents’ without their approval, lol.

PM sent!

Hum, my mom might take him. I would love to have him, I just don’t have the time.

wish I could take him, but I just wouldnt be able to give him the attention he would need…

I am interested.

I’ve always wanted a mastiff, and know a decent amount about them. I also know what they go for. So the fact that this one is free, let alone it would keep him from being put down.

I have to figure out a few things… mainly how well he would get along with my 150 lbs St Bernard. Fortunatly, my dog is rather submissive.

but, if I can, I will be able to offer him a great home. I spoil my current dog pretty well imo(I researched dog foods for about 2 months before settling on what he is fed now, and he gets a new cow leg bone from the butchers about every other week, etc)

Where is this guy located now?

yeah, still got him?

Nope, he’s gone to a good home. Thanks guys :tup: